When you train arms do you like to do them on a day all dedicated to arms or split them up? For me I hit them 3 times a week. Once on back day again on chest day and then just an arm day all to itself.
I won my class and made the heavy Weight worried all pre judging and night show he beat me in overall. I’ll post pics once I get some good ones in. Thanks bro
Hell yeah brotha thats bad ass! Id love to see the pics when you get them up i bet the overall was close! Now its time to enjoy some sick ass pumps from the food :muscle:t2:
I think it depends on the person, some tend to easily gain muscle on back/chest & some tend to gain easier on arms. For those who easily gain mass on back/chest it recommended they have a day solely for arms to balance it up. Btw keep up the great work brother
Forget the other one…I can’t keep up…nice job. I’m good…I predicted the warm up would be easy and going lightheavy. I’m glad I’m not senile yet:grinning:
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