SB Labs

Neuro New Log Small Cuts

Creeping death is push pull legs split. First three days of the weeks being explosive focused, the second three being pump focused.

Pull day 1- brutal but tolerable.
Push day 1- brutal but tolerable.
Leg day 1- ain’t a single goddamn damn thing creeping about it. It was just death. I’ve been laying on the floor with my legs up on the bed for 35 minutes post workout and they are still shaking.

Since it’s a meadows paid program I’m not going to give specifics out of respect to the man. BUT. this is on YouTube and it followed 5x6 squats with a 3 second down, 1 second static hold tempo.

Then there’s more after.

I’ve done partial meadows leg day. I really don’t think I could have done the whole thing even when I was younger.

Brutal just brutal
Sorry I wasn’t looking for specifics. Just curious of your thoughts on the program after you complete it.

Bulgarian drop sets of death sucks lol.
I wouldn’t mind 300 right now I think it none back my meet I’ll drop everything but test and try and get back down to 300 and try and only get back up 312
Second rotation of the P/P/L in the week is a pump workout. Which is a welcome relief after the first half of the week.

If my joints can hold up I think this program is going to bring the big changes I’m looking for.
Dropped down to 225 this week… pinned my left quad a few days ago, it was pretty sore the next day. Picked up an extra shift and was hobbling around it hurt so bad. End of shift, looked in the mirror and whole leg was red and hot.

7 days of doxycycline for the good ole cellulitis.

Shit happens. Gonna take it easy until I can walk without limping and then get back at it.
I’m trying to find some now to have on hand.

I was taking a shit at work and looked at my quad and was like wait a minute… there’s no veins or separation on this leg. What in the fuck? Wiped. Flushed. And was like ahhh fuck. Immediately got an appt with the walk in clinic.

I said “I gave myself my HRT shot and I have cellulitis.”

The PA said, “okay, how do you know it’s cellulitis and was it just HRT?”

I said, “I’m an icu nurse, and no disrespect miss PA in a box… if it wasn’t that’s none of your business. I have cellulitis, I need some doxy.” Stood up dropped my pants and I can’t tell if she was looking at my infection or my legs in general and she turned red and said yup. I’ll send a script over.

Hopefully it will clear up soon. It’s been years since I’ve had to take anti biotics so I’m hoping it doesn’t just blow up my Gut as I’ve had to pretty dialed in recently.
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We’re still cutting. But I’m ending this log. New goals coming soon with a new log. See ya soon.
Nice and steady. Are you 6 foot. I ask because it would be good to stay at this shape but add just muscle. If your 225 then 230-231 would make the illusion better. Unless you come or have so goal your back and legs are fine. Delta, chest ,arms you would be kicking ass at 230. Especially at functions, for the Gals.