Liver king email leak

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I mean it’s no shock to any of us. But apparently dude was taking 10iu of GH a day, test, deca, and winstrol. Turns out raw liver won’t get you looking like that. 😂😂😂😂 who would thought.

His leaked email is all over the place now of reaching out to a coach. Guess it could be fake, hope it’s not bc we all knew this dude was lying his ass off.
What!!?? Straight up animal organs won’t do that for you???

Oh well… he’s made a small fortune off of his con…MERICA!

Just like selling jesus…
They look real as can be. The problem is he steaked (see what I did there) his claim on natty. Big oops!
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Yep…swearing on it only makes it look worse especially when you follow up with “buy my supplements and eat liver, you too can look and perform just like me”
Most people didn’t believe him anyways so doubt much changes for him although the amount of hgh and him
Still using mk and other peptides had me intrigued
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I like mk677 with exogenous hgh seems syngersitic if you can control insulin resistance. I was doing 3iu hgh at night with 25mg mk677. And some novorapid insulin preworkout and postworkout i liked that but now im crusing with finals coming up.
Yeah he’s taking 16 ius if gh in not sure the mk is doing anything. I’ve actually thought of doing the protocol with mk and gh you did but decided against.
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Lol who woulda thought. More Plates More Dates did a review on it and also found an old unopened email directly from Liver King that he had missed from early 2021 with Liver King asking for PED assistance, and a second inquiry from his manager or someone in liver kings company asking about Omnitrope dosing.
These were his TRT cruise dosages. 10ius of HgH plus all the other items? Plus 50mg of Winstrol? How long on Winstrol? His skin and body looked like shit. 🤣. I’m sure more will be leaked on him.
It’s real. The sad thing? How many people did he fuck up with that raw meat diet? He’s a POS and deserves every bit of the internet hate. I have zero fucks to give to that POS. Him, Hearns and tgat other “natty” pos. 🤣
I’m with you. Ancestral BS doing wall balls against a tree with knee sleeves is NOT ancestral. Is CrossFit it the woods 😂😂
Pretty funny when he mentions he sleeps like shit though and wakes up for hours in the middle of the night. Bro you sleep on a fuckin wooden plank
That’s probably all show as well. What I got out of this is that these clinics will just prescribe doses way above replacement if the hgh dose is real. Like I figured some May go high on test and maybe do like 4
Ius a day but damn
good 2 more years of school left, just been busy. not much time for fun, but i get in the gym 3 times a week for a quick workout or else i start to go insane. I also weigh only 225lbs now compared to 275 left summer. Lifts havent went down too much maybe 10% or so across all my numbers, maybe more on bench i havent been benching much
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