Long due! Next cycle


Army Veteran \Regular
Preformatted textSup Y’all.

So I have been procrastinating my next cycle due to not been completely in sink with my body, finally got my stomach situation under control, also my head medicine.

I am looking to get into a cycle early January, right now I focusing on eating properly, discover myself with food. About 18 bf 192 pounds 69’ tall.

I do workout 5/6 a week training properly, hitting every body part.

Been off any PED for the past year and half due to personal reasons. Done some basic cycles T, EQ for about 16 weeks, may want to take it to another lever NOT TREN tho! But I do want to put some muscles over the winter, to shred over the summer (late summer)

I was thinking Proviron/ Test/ ?? NPP EQ or DBOl what you guys think?
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I don’t do pics but I had gotten carried away with my bulk during the winter cycle and ended up at 250 and 20% bf. I used test p, npp and tbol and dropped calories from 3200 to 2200 gradually through 12 weeks. I lost 20lbs and I believe 5% bf. Ended up around 15%bf and 230lbs. IMO I added some muscle (nothing crazy) and cleaned up pretty nice.
Its good to hear you got your head space right,right, workin on mine,mine, been off cycle about 4.5 months and jts gonna stay that way til my head is fixed…Test,proviron,npp all sound good,got all that,it is my exact cycle,but with superdrol thrown in here and there as I see fit.
I tried dbol couple times but had to cut it short cause physical issues didn’t make sense to run gear. I don’t know if I’d like dbol results the more I think about it. If I ran a proper cycle of it I’d put on a lot of mass be I heard you deflate like a balloon afterwards. I think it would be a big mental fuck for me.
I guess it would depend on how clean your diet is. My went to shit and I bloated big time. I did lose “size” once I stopped but I believe it was mostly water. I would run Decca again maybe not so high a dose
I am going safe this time around bro, if is going to mess with my mental focus issaaa NO GO for me. Food will be crush(at least do my best) just want to add some while I enjoy my life without any mental worries.
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