If u struggle with hunger maybe add mk677 which is a oral ghrelin(hunger hormone. Use it 2-3 times per week and u wont have blood glucose issues. It will also increase gh which is syngeristic with anabolics. If u got money to burn add 2-4iu hgh.
Your natural testosterone production may never recover from nor 19s. No babies either. Unless your on TRT for life then you should stay away from any nor 19s. Like Tren deca NPP
Also pinning ed vitamin b12 is fine. It’s subQ pinning so just a little 29 gauge insulin pin. It’s painful pin. You can feel it go in. But it’s over real fast the aminos and glutathione are painless.
Nandrolone derivatives stay in your system for a long time. General rule of thumb for pct off deca is to cruise on test for a year after deca then try to pct.
Basically the metabolites stay in your system and keep suppressing your test production for that long
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