Long due! Next cycle

Food intake will make or break you. You can run all kinds of chems in yourself but if you’re not providing your body with the correct nutrients at the correct time…it’ll be a waste.
I am planning on getting that work in. I just need that extra push, often I see the PED give that extra push man. Def not a pro but I am learning soooo much in here.
Well usually I use deca, havent used NPP in awhile it was time for a change,I still get some bloat,but less then with deca,but I eat lots of yogury,and take digestive enzymes while using either of them the probiotic pills help a lot with the bloat.
I think my best for size was test e 500/wk, deca 300/wk and superdrol 25mg/Ed for 2-4 weeks. That was a really solid cycle for me. But I didn’t do the sdrol and deca at the same time. I think I finished with the sdrol. I loved deca and will definitely do it again. Also for me there were no side effects with that setup. I felt great, I did get a little worn out on the sdrol, that shits hard on me. But I loved it. That’s great that you’re working with a professional trainer. I want to do that myself, maybe in the spring. Good luck bro, stay safe.
I usually run it at 350. But I’m not a heavy Dose guy.

So start low and increase, if you want to work your way up. I’m not sure if you will see much difference with 100 or less. Personally I would just start at 300-350. It’s short acting ester so any problems will clear if you need to decrease dose.

The PP ester is very heavy so you lose a good bit of the active compound which Is why I say just start at 300.