Looking to start my next cycle...tips please


Looking to get absolutely jacked…joking, haha.

I am wanting to get stronger, bigger, and lose fat. I am currently on week 3 of TRT at 200mg test c. I figured I would start my cycle off on TRT. Tomorrow I planned to start the grown up stuff. I wanted to know what y’all think about this cycle.

10-12 weeks
Test C 500mg/week
Masteron Propionate 200-400mg/week
Tbol 50-75mg/day split 2x/day for the first 6 weeks

This cycle was recommended to me by Bigmurph on my old account (forgot password). I was actually wanting to run it for at least 14-15 weeks. I can run the Test forever as I have a prescription for it. I can do the Masteron @ 300mg for 13.5 weeks or @ 250mg for 16 weeks. I can also run the Tbol @ 75mg for 6 weeks or @ 50mg for longer if that’s what y’all recommend. I also have 17 ml of HCG (1 vial with 7ml left and 1 non-reconstituded vial) that is 12,000iu per bottle that was prescribed that I would like to continue using. I am just not sure how much I would need if I do a cycle.

Current Weight: 174
Current BF: 23%

Thanks in advance!
Did the banned liar mention pct to you? What about a proper diet? I’d run the mast at 300 a week,maybe more next cycle if you use mast again.Theres also proviron you can add to the mix,boosts everything your using,frees up more test.
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No this would be my 3rd cycle over the course of 5 years. My first cycle was Test E and Tren and my second cycle was Test E and Anavar.

Yeah so a little backstory, I was making great gains natty and then I couldn’t workout for almost a year due to having surgery and another injury. I’ve been back in the gym for almost 2 months now and I am back to where I was before the injuries. I decided to start my TRT 3 weeks ago to get something in my system, but I am now wanting to start the big boy stuff.
I would say you just started trt. So instead of blasting and cruising. I would find out the highest dose of test you can take without needing an AI. Slowly titrating up, instead of jumping straight up.

Get labs and make sure your body is internally acting well to that dose. Then and only then, add in other AAS. THEN run that dose as long as medically possible before backing back down.
As mentioned, I was out for almost a year so bf went up. I’ve been dieting and incorporating some cardio into my workout and within a month I dropped 6% BF and gained somewhere around 4.8lbs of muscle. That was as of 2 weeks ago so now I’m sure it’s more.

He didn’t mention pct, but said I probably wouldn’t need an AI since test is the only thing that aromatases.
How would I know the highest dose I can take without needing an AI? I guess what I was thinking was I would run the cycle while I had a legit supply (prescription) of HCG. I wouldn’t be able to get more for another 17 weeks and I definitely want to cycle prior to that without running out or getting from some other source.

To reply to your other comment, I am 28 with good levels of test naturally. I just happened to come across a sports medicine clinic that likes to see patients with 1,200+ test levels. So I definitely want to come off after the cycle and not looking to blast and cruise.
You get lab work while taking taking your increased doses.

300 test level for a 28 year old is not great. At all.

Hcg is not an acceptable pct agent, nor will it do anything to keep your natural levels working. If you want to use it to prevent atrophy, great. It’s naturally suppressive by its very nature.

If you’re 28 with test in the 300 range, you may want to consider staying on trt. If that’s your normal baseline, you’re going to lose gains by running 12-15 weeks cycles and doing a pct.
Damn how’d you know I was in the 300 range? lmao. I figured it was good because my other doc was confused as hell as to why I was 28 with a prescription of test and said my levels were good, lol.

I am using the HCG to prevent atrophy and I guess because it was prescribed to me.

So what you’re saying is after the cycle I should drop back down to prescription range immediately?
I went and looked up your old account and read the thread.

Most doctors are ignorant when it comes to hormone therapy.

If you want kids, think about that. I don’t. So I started trt at 30. There’s far more health, wellness, and gym benefits to keeping my test levels at the upper limit than living with them at 300. I welcomed the lifelong needle sticks.
300 is low for a healthy 28yo male imo. You’re “in range” by medical standards.

My opinion only…make a decision on kids…no kids = trt for life…especially at 300. On trt hcg is just for the codsack. I opted out beings I don’t care. I’m old so my saggy sack shrunk up to about normal without it.
I’m good with needle sticks. I already got 2 kids and definitely do not want more. If I can get the VA to prescribe me the TRT then I’ll definitely stay on and blast and cruise but if not then I’ll probably come off. It was expensive paying out of pocket from my clinic and all other clinics turn me away for my age.
Already got 2. I’m still young and a single dad so I need to my nuts to be as big as possible. I cant afford for them to shrink 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂

I just googled ranges and yeah I’m “in range” but near the very bottom 😭
I would encourage you to leave the bro science of blast and cruise where it belongs… in the trash.

Asses you tolerance of test at the highest dose possible without an AI. add in mast or primo at moderate dose. And run that for as long as possible… get labs every 3 months to ensure you’re healthy. Once labs start getting skewed… go back to trt.

This model is dependent upon using glutathione, and telmisartan to support the increase in androgens in the body.
What would you consider a moderate dose of mast?

Would you say I should skip that cycle I posted? I’m honestly not even interested in cycling all the time, but rather maybe once a year or maybe every 2+ years.