Majorbellringer Introduction

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Well-known member
Hey UG, finally getting around to an introduction. I’ve been on here for a few months now just absorbing all the ginfo/advice. It’s my first time really keeping up with a forum and I must say I’ve learned so much already. A few things about me I’m almost 30 years old always been somewhat of a gym rat. Started my first cycle back at the beginning of the year, loving it/trying to do everything as smart and safe as possible. I’m 5’11 210lb currently sitting around 16%bf. Looking forward to see what’s next. Thanks to all you guys for making this a badass forum!
@Ominous started January 1st running @SRx Test E @ 500/wk (1-15 wks)
Anavar@ 40mg split ED (1-4wks)
Aromasin 5mg E3D give or take

Loving it so far just wanted to get my feet wet and felt like I wasn’t pushing it to much outside the norm by adding the var at the beginning. After the 15 weeks I’ll start pct.
@Dirtnasty I obviously don’t have a lot of experience with other oils so not sure what my opinions worth. I can say With virgin muscle it had some expected PIP but minimal. After several pins practically no PIP. Seems to be accurately dosed. I’m loving the experience, for a first cycle I’m not sure it could be going much better then it is. @SRx Var was on point though. Great/ very clean and strong af. Good luck on the run I’m sure you’ll enjoy it!
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