Masteron vs. Primo during cruise?

50mg is actually good and that’s what I run year round. I up it to 100mg last 6 weeks of prep. I get more horny that’s about all I notice because I’m on other cutters so can’t really tell.

I have learned though no need to split orals up. I did split for years but they don’t hit like injecting does. When John meadows took over my prep he said oh fyi splitting orals doesn’t do anything. He said take all at once. I will say it’s easier because I would freaking forget all the time
Oh yea bro now we talking. That’s how proviron was explained to me how it worked in easy basic terms basically enhances everything you’re on. Love proviron.
It won’t cause you issues it will definitely start to do its magic. I have always believed it to be the most underrated compound. Especially when running a testosterone cycle at higher doses proviron really helps.
You think I should be ok with dosing my proviron all in one shot and not spread it out. As long as I been lifting I was always told split my doses. I get the whole “stable blood levels” thing, but in all reality any oral I ran I didn’t notice any better results when splitting doses. Actually I tend to get more lethargic quicker when I split, especially with Sdrol and Adrol.
Yea absolutely man, I’m 3 weeks into my blast with all short esters except EQ. But EQ had been in my blood now 20+ weeks. Right now
525 Tren A
525 Mast P
400 Test Iso
800 EQ
4iu GH
Slin I might start back up in about a month or so when I start feeling depleted and flat.
No orals, but gonna throw in Sdrol for a couple weeks towards the end as well.
Calories are maintenance right now at about 3600, which I find odd cause I’ve put on 5lbs in the past 3 weeks, pretty sure it ain’t water either cause my lines haven’t become blurred at all.
I will definitely report on here at least weekly about any changes I notice
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Yea you will be fine bro. For me when I split I would always forget and with orals splitting it does nothing for you as far as a benefit. Ber made a good post on the medical side of things of why it doesn’t benefit. Can’t remember where. But John meadows told me not to split my dosages because there was no benefit to it and then ber posted that up right after.
I always did that pissed me off I split it three times so I’m glad now I do all at once. Oh and take with a meal because orals can give you heart burn.
Proviron will give heartburn as well? With other oral I get heart burn bad especially with Tren in the blood, but Prilosec has been a huge help for me, way better then carrying a bucket of Tums every where I go lol
That’s a really advanced cycle im not telling you that im just writing it so that someone doesn’t read it and believe it to be a first cycle lol

I don’t know but ive been told that mast does about everything proviron does. I don’t know this to be a fact but I wouldn’t add proviron to that cycle. Im still interested in hearing about it though if you do decide to add it.
I never got it from proviron. Var and Winn for sure and halo and Adrol. I’m on all those lol. So forgive me for how I worded that lol I was thinking of orals I’m on lol