May 11th installment of diets and bodybuilding

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Staff member
Good afternoon all.Started my day off with a bang,off to the races cause they brought a drug dog inside here,and they just come right in,scared the shit outta me,and when I get scared like that,I get nasty and I wouldn’t let them in the room.This room is all I got right now,and everything in it,so I treat it the same as if it were my own sure they wrote me up,as a refusal to follow rules or something to that effect.Again and again I find myself in situations like these,so yes I’m definitely part of the problem,but they coulda done things differently…so enough of me pissing and moaning.No gym today.Didnt even eat breakfast I was to keyed up.lunch will be 2 cans a tuna, banana,casein shake, cranberry juice.Today I am grateful for the drugs I’m on that help me not be as aggressive or nasty as I might normally be.Hope everyone has a smooth and productive day.
Mossy1985 said:
a couple hour nap
Yes. She decided to work on it after my ultimatum. I said if you want to work on shit, I’m in. If you want to call it quits, I’m in. But we need to shot or get off the pot
Good job. I just had a dam near similar occurrence with my future exwife,I said let’s I need you to decide now,it’s been 7 months,she said to me a few months back that their could be a possibility of us becoming a family again,well motherfucker,im not staying stuck in limbo with this divorce.I caught her off guard,I know she wasnt expecting that,and I think that she was thinking I was gonna ask to get back together.Then she gave me some dumb fucking excuse about not being able to bring my daughter to see me the other day…so much for being amicable.Theres so many things I want to say and do to her right now.
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