SB Labs

May 15th edition of diets and bodybuilding

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Staff member
Military Vet
Good morning all.No work,its fuckin raining again,my dad n i are way behind on the two jobs were on,a lot of rain lately.Havent pinned anything or been on a offical cycle in awhile,so i just pinned PWO, 50mg dbol 50mgs TNE,it felt good to gonna hangout about 1.5 hours and then walk to gym,tire flip for 10mins,then i will go inside and do legs.
Breakfast was 1 plain bagel toasted with cream cheese,homemade strawberry jam,4 turkey sausage,grapes and a banana,water.since im home for lunch im gonna make trout,in oven,lemon juice,fresh garlic and onion white wine and butter,i will do a salad and some basmati rice.Not sure about dinner,probably, steak, salad, loaded baked potato.Today i am grateful for my family and their support,i never use them for any kind of support,but just knowing that its there is enough for me.Hope everyone has a smooth and productive day.
Still no training. Just been walking so I don’t get to fat waiting for what ever ails me to heal. I’m about 9 weeks into this cycle and it’s probably a waste of gear but Ill finish what I got. Meals are 2 eggs and chicken sausage with home fries. Chicken and rice. Chicken and sweet potatoes. Yogurt and a protein shake.
Changed my lunch plan,in honor of @johnjuanb1 i made a 2lb TURKEY meat loaf,2 eggs,cup of bread crumbs,ketchup,a LITTLE sweet baby rays Honey Chipotle bbq sauce,cayenne pepper,white pepper,onion n garlic powder,still doin rice,and a salad.
Samo samo for me. Last day of work for me this week. Probably no training.

I’m always grateful for what I have which is embarrassingly too much sometimes.
Same thing happened with cheese steaks for breakfast,although those lasted awhile
You find a tent yet? I wasnt gonna bother answering @NeuroRN covered it. My exwife still has my pop uo 6 person tent,my daughter had her own,not crowded,but the two dogs also slept with wife n i so 4 creatures in a 6 creature tent.Are you bringin your dog?
I normally buy the pro but those are both my “go to” usually. Those skyr are pretty good from I’ve heard but I haven’t tried them yet
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Yeah not so much around here. Shoot we even got homeless dudes murdering each other in the streets.
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