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May 1st issue of diets and training

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Staff member
Military Vet
Good morning all.No work,no gym,no problem.Didnt eat breakfast yet,just got up.Not sure what my plans are today besides my daughters “opening day” for softball.She pitches,and ive been showing her some new things,like if the batter is behind in the count,then she has a pitch or two to waste,and if their crowding the plate she needs to brush em off with a inside pitch.I love coaching her,and i am grateful i can pass on knowledge to her,plus its another reason to spend time with her.
As for the rest of you suckers,have fun at work.
Have fun bro. Good luck to her.

Im waiting to eat in a bit. Trying to clean, work a bit, spend time with daughter outside. Its a holiday here and good weather. Tonight a little of everything at the gym again. Gotta wash my hoodie cause not the greatest smelling right now
So far I’ve had two servings of grits and four eggs with some water. I also got three tuna fish sandwiches to work on with some water. And then I’m contemplating on my pre workout meal and dinner…
Arms today🤔
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Supposed to do legs tonight but if they have come I. Early tomorrow I’ll do legs tomoorw Fter work in just swap off days aka today off then just do five days of lifting in. Row
Light stretching and that’s about all. Trying not to eat out of boredom. Pregnisone seems to have helped the pulled muscle but now my forearm is hurting and I got some numbness in two of my fingers. Getting old sucks. Need to be more consistent with stretching, pre and post work outs
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