SB Labs

May 31st edition of diets and training

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Military Vet
Good morning all.Some words of wisdom someone told me last night,simple yet extremely meaningful,Everyday I’m guaranteed two things in my day, Opportunity and a Choice.I have the opportunity to do right and wrong,and a choice to do either of them…
Breakfast was 2 oikos, strawberries n grapes,4 HB eggs no yolk,tea and water.Its fuckin hot only working til 130ish so says the boss (my dad).After work I’m gonna do tris,then I will Work in pitching with my daughter.Hope everyone has a smooth and productive day. @JB_rD81 where you at?
I’m bout to make bacon egg and cheese Sando and then pop tart only one pack Chicken and rice and maybe pasta for dinner. Hitting back today. Feel pretty good after yesterdays session. Which I like cause I’m not particularly killing one body part each day should
Lead tj more volume. Could see my self gojg to 3 squat days in this prep for a a short period if this keeps ups. Really want to make sure I’m taking advantage of this ment this go round
Good morning Community!

Diet: toast with eggs, avocado, fruits & coffee. Early lunch shake with fruits. Later lunch chicken & rice with salad.

Training: Chesticles, Tris & abs. Going to add 10 mikes post cardio.
@John , I’m here… been laying low the last few weeks. Unhappy with workouts, my wife’s first three weeks of strength building really pissed me off because all she wants to do is complain about how heavy shit is. My buddy had to close his gym for a month to move to a new place to keep from getting screwed by the people who own the old building, I got a squat/bench combo rack set up in the garage, going to start using it tomorrow… it’s not fun to me to train with no purpose.

How have you been?

Food today… 3 whole eggs, 4 egg whites, 50 grams rolled oats; 50 g jasmine rice, 150 g Brussels sprouts, 6 oz ground Turkey; 30 g whey, 3 egg whites, 8 oz OJ. Supper, not 100% sure yet…
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Back on prep diet today. No carbs all day. Wasn’t bad after stuffing my face last 2 days
Long day at the office. My boss at the office is younger than my children. Great kid. Very smart. Just got promoted a few months ago. I did a lot of politicking for him.

Did pulls tonight. Samo grub. Here’s the breakdown.

JB_rD81 said:
it’s not fun to me to train with no purpose.
That makes sense to me. I struggled forever with it. I’m kind of at peace with it now. (Kind of).

Stay focused brother. I need help with the grandpa army.
That’s bout where I’m at now. Just have fun with it with no deadlines.
I could eat the other a half to was 8 oz and then about 12 oz of Mac cooked
I just had 1/2Lb of chicken breast with 2 cups of basmati rice. That’s my only food meal. The rest is 5 protein/oat shakes with fish oil caps, MCT oil caps, and vitamin/mineral/fruit/veggie tablets.
I trained chest and back. Had a great pump. I started anavar yesterday. 👍
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