SB Labs

Member of the month October 2020 sponsored by optum labs

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My weight never changes. For the first time in my life it is always the same. 245. Doesn’t matter if I eat like shit on a cheat day or get stupid ass drunk and eat everything in the fridge. Or feel like shit and not eat much for a couple days. Grant it I have had a very stable diet for the most part cause getting my cholesterol in order. But have had a few hiccups and no change. Prior to this new body composition my weight would fluctuate by as much as five pounds day to day. So without weight change do you think it could still be retaining water?
Trauma burn ICU is no joke. Everyone I know that works one, ends up leaving bc of the night mares. It’s why I left trauma surgery.

Good for her man! We need about a million more NP’s that’s for sure.
It was joke but they also canceled Saturday work so I may not put order in till end of month now
Sucks my ass I get to enjoy my birthday instead of working till 3 am I’ll already have 50 hours
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Fuck your birthday your almost an old
Man now. Hahahahahaha. Just giving you shut bro. Once
You reach a certain age and start having kids someone else will
Always remind you of your birthday. Cause you’ll never remember. Hahahahaha
What you doing now. I
Am watching Disney plus old three caberellos with Donald Duck. And yes I am
Flexing my leg lmao.
Ive got a story about how I got my health under control and got into lifting

I wasn’t always someone that was really into fitness. Before I started wrestling in middle school, I was a really fat kid. We’re talking 140 pounds at 8 years old.

I got into football in the 6th grade and one of the coaches also coached wrestling, so after football season, I started wrestling, but I was still quite large for my age, and it wasn’t because I was muscular. It wasn’t until my sophomore year that I began to really take an interest in being healthy, because after a visit to my primary care doc, it came back that my triglycerides were at around 450 mg/dl ,and that I was steadily developing insulin resistance.

At that point I was at my heaviest Ive ever been at around 260 at 5’8 at the time, and I was around 28% BF. My weight kept going up and my health kept deteriorating, and it started to become clear to me that if I didn’t get my diet under control, I would be 400 pounds by my junior year.

So immediately after that doctor’s appointment, I started lifting. At the time I didn’t know that it wouldn’t really help me lose weight, but I was determined to do something. I also started myself on what, in hindsight, was basically a starvation diet (I had 500 calories a day at 260 pounds) and over 4 months I dropped down to 200 pounds, and at the end of one year from that appointment, I had dropped down to 160 pounds and had grown about two inches.

For the first time since childhood, I was a normal, weight for my height, but not only that, I finally had the energy to really get in a good workout.

When I had first started lifting, I at first tried to stick to a strict routine but found that I just didn’t have the energy to maintain it and let it slack, but I also discovered that I enjoyed lifting for lifting’s sake, and the feeling of getting a new PR would momentarily push me towards giving it more effort before letting it slack again, but after I finished losing all the weight, I suddenly found myself far more energetic and actually capable of keeping up with it, and combining this with my need to become stronger for my new size to stay competitive in my new weight class, I started to lift a lot more, before finally making it a part of my weekly routine, and since then I workout every week and have climbed back up to around 200 pounds, though this time around, most of it is muscle.
Nah I meant the patrick star PFP, not the leg pic. Also all jokes aside, thanks man, it’s been a hell of a journey but one Im glad Ive had.
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