SB Labs

Member of the month October 2020 sponsored by optum labs

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Great news they heard at work I had to make an order for this so they gave me 10 extra hours to work in my birthday Saturday. May cover half of what I’m ordering
Hey OP brother. Do you remember my issue with my leg muscles being tight and my foot feeling like it’s falling asleep. Chiropractor said I have a pinched nerve from swelling around a disk in my lower back. No xrays but he was very certain that was the issue. Well my muscles feel fine a little tight still but the numb feeling in my foot is there still. If I touch my foot it feels like it’s asleep. It’s been a month now. Could this be from HGH? Also now my scapular area of my shoulder is in a ton of pain for the last week. You mentioned the kryptonite affect. From over training. It started three weeks after I stopped cycle and went to TRT. No sudden reason why. Is this from the same issue? Now that my bloods are in order and I am getting back on the bicycle am hoping it will all go away. What’s your take @NeuroRN @Bigmurph @Optumpharma
Good morning UG Muscle Family!!!

Happy Friday and what else start with “F” the word FREE!

Would love some great stories of achieving your goals using AAS or natty! Best story gets 6 free orals on me! Just cover SHIPPING!

love to end the week on a postive note.
Hey OP! I got a story for you.

This story is going to make me sound like a train wreck but that’s how 2020 has been anyway.

I started 2019 with the goal to compete at the Arnold Amateur strongman competition. I trained hard and ate my 5500 to 6500 calories and day and took my vitamins and said my prayers just like hulk hogan told me to. Anyway, 1 month before the Arnold qualifier, I was training a 800 on yoke and slipped on something and dropped it creating a small tear in my shoulder. Couldn’t lift my arm over my head for almost 2 months and still competed but took 6th. Then I signed up for another qualifier in June 2020, which got canceled (rona) and now I decided to lean out some and just train for off-season. Well fast forward a few months and I’m prepping for a 350lb log press. Halfway through the set I feel my hand go numb. No grip strength or ability to move my wrist. Go to the doctor and find out I have a ganglion cyst that put pressure on my radial nerve and need surgery to remove it. Doctor said no strenuous activity on the worst until 6weeks after the surgery (which is in December) Momma didn’t raise a bitch so I taped the hell out of my wrist like I did in college playing football and been working through the pain and finally hit the 350 log after almost 6 months of failing it. Felt amazing to fight through almost a year of shoulder and wrist problems to hit that PR!! As a idol of mine would say, AINT NUTHIN BUT A PEANUT!
I’m with OP on this one, as usual. Nerve damage can take a long time.

As far as subscapular pain- this one can be a bit more confusing. The anatomy of your shoulder and scapula is complex… most people have sub scapular pain bc their anterior chain is tight (chest) and posterior is pulled forward (back/shoulders) creating too much space for movement over those muscles. Causing lots of irritation. If it feels like a knot under the shoulder blade- lay on a golf ball.
I had brain surgery in February my freshman year of college, brain malformation caused me to lose all use of fine motor skills. Couldn’t hold a pen, open a bottle of water, hell I couldn’t even open a bag of chips.

I spent two weeks in the hospital after the surgery, I dropped all the way down to 168lbs. 6’1 and 168lbs might as well be a skeleton.

I missed a month of school, and was considering dropping the semester and moving home. However that would mean a loss of an academic scholarship. I had partied too hard first semester and was already on academic probation.

I had to make up like 7 tests (I was taking 20hours of classes) from the month I missed Chemistry, biology, etc.

I decided I was going to finish the semester with a 4.0. And I decided the only way to do this was to fully embrace the discipline equals freedom mindset. I had to same schedule 5 days a week the only difference was I didn’t work on weekends. Wake up at 4:00am. Study for an hour. Eat. Workout. Eat. Class. Eat. Work. Eat. Study. Eat. Study. Sleep. Repeat.

Going down to 168lbs I gained a lot back quickly bc part of it was just atrophy from the hospital and not being able to do much while in PT.

I finished that semester with a 4.0, my personal record was taking 2 chemistry tests and genetics test, and a British lit test all in one day.

I finished the calendar year off at 190 lbs, and
Deadlifted 385lbs. Which may not seem like huge numbers… but remember in February I couldn’t hold a pencil. In December I picked
Up 385 off the floor and had brain surgery in between!

Did it all natty! Those were the days of cafeteria all you can eat meal plans. They lost money on me that year. @Optumpharma
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