SB Labs

Member of the month October 2020 sponsored by optum labs

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Thank good I haven’t had that issue… Last couple have been daddy and uncle issues… I can make the list continue…
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This last one… God forgive me… Had a accident at a young age… And is just a lil off… …great enthusiasm n all… But you can’t just be hanging out and farting man… You gotta earn that title…
Female nod… Dammit man… Naw I see what your saying… That nod like… Yeahhh I know what your doing
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Y’all would love it out here… Easy to be a local celebrity… aint nobody jacked… And if they are… They are walking around on 10 year old legs…it’s stupid funny cuz they got their lil muscle shirts on all pumped up… But be wearing tight ass sweats like they are hiding their legs…like damn bro…looking like spongebob on gear…(.only a week in right now. For me)…
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