SB Labs

Member of the month October 2020 sponsored by optum labs

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Optum October Trick and TONS of Treats month!

1.) All products are BOGO FREE! Can not mix and match.

2.) Must place order to get in on the give away! Use your UG Muscle handle when ordering.

1st place!

The ultimate sampler!!!
2- test e
2- test p
2- test cup
2- sustanon
2- deca
2- NPP
2- tren a
2- tren e
2- eq
2- mast p
2- mast e
10- orals of your choice
1- quantropin

2nd place
5-oils of choice
3- orals of choice

3rd place
3- oils of choice
2- orals of choice

Contest is
Here we go again brothers and sisters the Member of the Month Contest for October.

Were going to do things just a little different but just like last month the contest will be judged on activity and reviews.

ACTIVITY =new topics, posts, likes and recieved likes, read time.

REVIEWS = product ratings posted about verified sponsors, posting a review about ugmuscle online at trust pilot or other website review sites.

When an introduction is written by a new member anyone who wants to win member of the month should definitely welcome them to the community. This is going to be an important factor in winning member of the month including the reviews.

Thanks to @Optumpharma, @TBU @TG, @PHD @UGMain
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@NeuroRN I’m trying to get her to join tonight to we can tag team this contest 1 but she can help with our lady community and she is educated with a lot of compounds.
I’ve tried to get mine to Join… she said “that’s your fraternity of meatheads, some things are better separate” I said, you mean our brotherhood of meat?

She said, “this is exactly what I’m talking about” 😂😂😂

She’s just getting into gear. She hops on and lurks on my account, and I’m hoping once she feels confident she will contribute some of her experiences.
Well tell her to come on!! It would probably help my wife to have another female nurse contributing. Look forward to hearing her input!
Well looks like I will making a sus and hcg order before the month is up
My wife is wanting to run some var at some point. If she is involved in that part of my life she’s much less likely to ever give me grief about my gear usage… “you do it too!”. I run 1-2 grams a week and you run 5/10 mg of anavar a day! It’s practically the same thing!! Lol
Haha while my wife never gave me grief about running gear… she’s certainly more on board/understanding now that she’s using gear too.
Yea my wife cool about it as well. Just like to have all my bases covered lol… will low does var cause any masculinizing effects? I’ve heard conflicting information
Should it? No. Could it? Yes. My wife started at 2.5 mg a day, and then worked her way up to 7.5 and that was her sweet spot.
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