SB Labs

Member of the month October 2020 sponsored by optum labs

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Honestly I really respect that. You’re the second arc on here I’ve bought from and I gotta say, you’re a class act. I look forward to making another order soon to take advantage of that deal you’ve got going on even though i just placed one today. Cant ever have too much gear.
Never know when you’ll need it for a rainy day. I know ive been pretty lean on cash before and there was no way I could have covered the cost of even an AI had I needed one and had none available.
Thats really generous of you man, it’s nice to see a sponsor actively care about the wellbeing of their customers in a tangible way. Way to show your character.
I think he meant a bigger bill, though mine was pretty high this month with how much pornhub live Ive used. Call me Larry Wheels.
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