SB Labs

Member of the month October 2020 sponsored by optum labs

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Hey they were 4600 on this last cycle. So Im ready to bump it up a bit. Want to actually feel it hahaha
@Dirtnasty I know what they were last cycle. Honestly I was a little worried cause well no gay shit but I love you brother!!! I did a lot of research I mean a lot and am still doing it, before I started AAS and from what I read levels in the 4,000s start affecting your heart and cardiovascular system in a negative way. Please chime in @NeuroRN and @Optumpharma. You guys know a lot more than me.
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The difficult thing about hormones, and levels, and labs, the paper can say one thing but the body says differently.

I know dirt will get labs, and pay attention to his body. That’s what will be most important. 6000 is high, there’s no doubt. I’m still learning lots about this stuff from the medical side, but I do know what’s most important is treating the patient and how their body feels over just the lab results.
Oh if you haven’t learned yet I’m the kind of guy that will push to extreme. Will def monitor all the health markers on cycle. In fact probably go ahead and set up my pre cycle labs for end of December see where I’m at to make sure I’m actually good to go for the fun times.
If I may ask, why is it you want to push it to the extreme end like that? Are you competing in any power sport?
I’m pretty in tune with my body and when things are feeling right he’ll I’m pretty sure my yearly check up will be right around midpoint of cycle so I have all
My gear function and what looked at in cycle
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