SB Labs

Member of the month October 2020 sponsored by optum labs

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True. Also I try just not to be mad in life anymore. Already have to many other emotions to keep in check why add another
@Bigmurph @Optumpharma , our other mods and sponsors thank you and congratulations @NeuroRN

This member of the month was really fun and greatly appreciated. The new guys that were gunning for it stick around you could win this month. Either way this really is a great community, I honestly didn’t think I was going to win and what do you know.
My wife jumped my ass for being on the forum so much, I was like but honey look lol So I had to dial it down a little bit. I’m hooked and I plan on sticking around. 👍
I always think I have enough for multiple cycles then I realize I got through the test way yo quick.
I feel bad sometimes when I think about how quickly i go through test, but then I realize i should feel even worse about how quickly I go through GH.
Next cycle I’ll be using about 1200 of test a week so that will be a good amount of vials. Mixed between sus and test e.
Including I’m doing 600 of deca do got to double with test. For easy math it be 1300 just cause 1 ml sus400 and 1 ml teste250 gets me to 1300 if shot twice a week
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