Message from FLASH ⚡️


Rep Platinum Pharmaceuticals

”If your package shows delivered I will not send any replacement packs ever again. If the postal service screws up it has NOTHING to do with my service. And if you file a claim your banned!!! If you order from Amazon and the postman screws up Amazon will NOT resend your package and neither will I ever again. It’s called reverse scamming.”
Damn. That’s a pretty shitty thing to do period and especially shitty thing to do one of our sponsors here. It reminds me of an old saying…Pets are great and people suck!
I’ve had this happen. Tracking number showed usps delivered. It was somewhere, not my place. Not the sponsors fault at all. Folks got to understand that is completely out of everyone’s control.

If anyone can get usps to do right 100% of the time…I’d like to hear it.
Based on the info provided you can’t determine someone was trying to scam lol. Shipping companies pretend to deliver shit and mark it as delivered when it wasn’t delivered all the time. Customers can be A holes but so can shipping carriers.
I knew a guy from Golds that had his packs stolen by his “friend” lol. He was a bouncer and an idiot who always told people what he was waiting on. He said he rarely ever got a pack and didn’t trust the post office. Was always same story that it showed delivered but he never got anything from most the sources online. I told him to just keep put a camera thru the window and record when he wasn’t home. His “friend” lived around corner and showed on video and snatched his pack. I couldn’t stop laughing when he told me he caught him lol.
There is no doubt a lot of scum bags order gear and would try and scam and that is most likely the case I’m just saying sometimes the shipping carriers mark packages as delivered when a package gets lost. Just the other day I had a shipping carrier claim they delivered a package to my house. And it was no where to be found and not at the neighbours either.
Hey, if flash is taken the position that the buyer takes all shipping risk that is there prerogative. I can’t say as I blame them
When you really boil it down…

we have to trust the sponsor we’re comfortable with. Beings flash is this thread…I’m unaware of them EVER being anything but honest.

The carriers are not 100%… never have been. The list of examples is a mile long.

The products we’re dealing with aren’t exactly a tickle me elmo doll and we can’t go down to the local post office and raise sand about it not being delivered….
Anyone buying “product” shipping via USPS and then bitch when it’s not delivered? I can tell you this. I’ve have used several sponsors on here. Multiple times and never had a problem. Only time I’ve had issues is overseas. And they send a replacement when I waited 8 weeks. They had “no delivery” from the mail tracking. It’s a risk all around. You don’t like the service. Move the fuck on. Never had a issue with Flash. Ever. Matter of fact, told them about pip pain with TestE. Told me to toss it, sent me replacements. 🤷‍♂️