SB Labs

Might as well say hello


Active member
Been lurking for a few months, better to interact 🙂 This is definitely the best board of the ones I’ve checked out, and no need to go elsewhere anymore.

One of those in the 40s trying to recapture former glory. Have done crossfit previously but get the most pleasure from lifting including olympic lifting.

Was on TRT for a few months until it was found I had sleep apnea which explains the low T I had. Just recently got a cpap machine and hope that will help settle things. Then any cycles will be for real gainz instead of just getting back to where I should be.

Been having success lately with carb cycling.

Have a good night everyone
Welcome to UGM

Bigmurph, I was actually looking at all the members yesterday(got to about the letter b) and realized that not many people jump in and say anything. Holy crap that member list is huge! I wish everybody would step up and say hello like @maverick6597 finally did!

Besides the point, maverick… I hope you enjoy getting to know everybody here, it’s the best forum you’ll find!
I think some of it has to do with intimidation, at least in my case. I’m not saying it happens here, but I’ve seen other forums where they roast a newbie for asking “stupid” questions. I’ve been reading as much as I can and still feel like I have no idea what to do.
We don’t allow intimidation at all no bashing and there are only 1 type of stupid question the one not asked we welcome you to ask and discuss everything and anything but when it comes to religion and politics it has to stay civilized.
Please feel free to openly discuss and ask whatever you would like and anyone else reading this should always do the same at

What is it that you are confused about im always here to help brother as is everyone else.
Thanks brother
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Welcome brother. I too was diagnosed with severe sleep apnea and have been using a cpap machine for years. It truly has changed my life. Now the sleep i get is true REM and when i wake up i feel refreshed where before it didnt matter if i slept 1 hour or 12 i always felt like shit. Feel free to ask about anything we are all here to help
@MBTJR1980 Hey man. I’m curious what your apnea events were before getting the cpap? I was at 87/hour 😦 How long after starting with cpap did you really notice being refreshed? I just got my machine a couple of days ago so getting dialed in over here.
UGM growth stats- 2,000,000+ Monthly Forum News & Rules
Hey guys just a quick update. I know some people had browser issues yesterday and I decided to check the traffic. You guys remember the post end of May, Well we’ve had alot more members sign up recently and now we’ve doubled the traffic monthly since then with over 2,000,000 visits in the last month. Traffic by top 4 countries: United States Canada United Kindom France Threat Countries: Ukraine… I just wanted to say thank you to everyone for making this place what it is! @members @UG…
This is the old numbers let’s just say we will be making a 3rd post like this very soon
@maverick6597 when I first began using a CPAP I became frustrated because it did not feel natural and it isn’t. It took me several weeks and a few mask versions to find what works best for me. I also had to play with the temp and humidity settings to find the best comfort zone. I still will remove my mask about 50% of the time sleep but I can attest I feel 100% better in the morning with it than without it. I average 4 hours with it on a bad night and a complete 7 hours with it on a good night.

My advice is to stick with it until you get used to it and then your sleep will only improve from there. If you find yourself with nasal dryness or congestion try using some saline nasal spray and/or breath right nasal strips. Because I use the nasal pillow mask I found both of these things to be very helpful.
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