Minimizing Water Retention On Cyle

To control estrogen on cycle an individual needs to take an aromatase inhibitor (AI) like Arimidex or Aromasin. These are the very most poplar but there are others that people use with success. I have used both Arimidex and Aromasin. Arimidex is my personal choice.

I have precycle blood work. Once I am on cycle I know how my body responds to specific compounds at specific doses. I am not estrogen sensitive so I know Arimidex, my AI of choice, will control estrogen elevation at a dose of .5mg every 3.5 days. I take moderate and responsible amounts of any steroid combination that is part of the cycle plan. Typically at 6-8 weeks I will have mid-cycle blood work to ensure all of my hormone values are in the range I would expect.

Anytime between the start of the cycle and mid-cycle blood works that I experience unexpected physical signs of elevated estrogen I moderately increase my Arimidex to .5mg 3x per week. I have never had to go above that dose and I will never have to… Knock on wood. I never panic and increase it immediately because slightly elevated estrogen is not an emergency but needs to be watched. Gyno is not to be messed around with. If after 4-5 days I am still experiencing issues I can assume based on my experience that it is most likely an unexpected jump in estrogen. There are several reasons that this can happen but I won’t go into all the possibilities now.

I do not have post cycle blood work because I am TRT and do not need to perform PCT. Many individuals will have blood work a few weeks post PCT to see their hormone recovery levels. It may be their new normal off cycle levels moving forward.

Each cycle and each new steroid brings a new experience but if you know which derivative it is and how your body will potentially respond to that derivative you can mitigate negative side effects before they become an issue.

Every person responds differently so never assume my experience will be your experience.

NOTE- I only source pharma Arimidex or a UGL that I have a long standing relationship with.
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Just bookmarked this post so I can read read and read again, so it won’t get lost in the million posts that follow! Thanks @SemperFi💪
hah… I do lots of things to build character … you can ask my coach. I like to complain about them after I have mastered them and made them my bitch 😉 I usually end up doing them outside as there isn’t enough room to do 50 yards …is what it is … we carry on 😉
Character building is good, just ask my woman who says I make her tough cause of never ending sarcasm about how she habitually over cooks my pasta, and can’t I just let it go, but I can’t I need my pasta cooked al dente, no exceptions babe, I love you, but I will make the pasta in this household
You sure you aren’t me. That’s what I go through on a daily basis. I had linguini tonight but after she massacred it looked like lasagna.
Well I don’t get that my girl blames me and tells me to go have my fat mother make them. lol
She says I ride her so much that it makes her screw up. Truth is she can’t cook!
We went to a school function like a welcome back thing because now she’s in sixth grade so it’s a new school. She told the teacher my mom teaches me all the easy stuff and my dad teaches all the hard stuff. He’s a genius. It melted me but didn’t go over well with mom lol
Well that would have made my chest swell with pride, then i would hav reminded the woman that later down the road she is not gonna like daddy so much when she a 8 pm curfew, and no boys will go near her after I put them thru a rigorous vetting process, that is purposely set up for them to fail.
Omg bro thats adorable! My lil boy is almost 7 and my girl says he walks around the house pretending to be me when im at work. Tells her mommy im gonna have big muscles like daddy when i grow up then im not gonna let anyone mess with my dad 💙 she tells me all he does is brag about his dad and how cool he is all day! Theres no amount of money in the world that can buy that feeling or that love hes my whole world everything i do in this life is for him
Thats Dad’s job to keep these punks far away from our lil innocent daughters! Mine just turned 18 and is off to college on full boat scholarship for academics! Cant be anymore proud of her except that i hate her fkn boyfriend. Hes 19 no college no job sells pot and has no ambition in life. I literally want to put him though a few walls but that would only make my daughter hate me so i suck it up for her. She will realize soon enough that he aint shit and move on