MOHN (methylhydroxynandrolone)
Androgenic 281
Anabolic 1304
Chemical Name
4-Hydroxy-17alpha-methyl hydroxyestra-
Estrogenic Activity none
Progestational Activity none
Methylhydroxynandrolone, or MOHN for short, is a potent derivative of nandrolone. This agent is orally active and non-aromatizable, with a profile somewhat similar to that of Winstrol or Anavar primarily anabolic, with no discernable estrogenic activity. According to early assay results, methylhydroxynandrolone is 13 times more anabolic than methyltestosterone, with approximately 3 times greater androgenicity. Although animal assay data doesn’t translate perfectly to humans, it remains clear that MOHN is considerably stronger on a milligram for milligram basis than the common prescription steroids. MOHN is also a bit more androgenic than the assay data conveys, and behaves slightly more like trenbolone than nandrolone in this regard. Its 4-hydroxyl group, a
modification that prevents its 5-alpha reduction in humans to weaker “dihydro” metabolites in the skin, scalp and prostate, intensifies the relative androgenicity of this steroid. Athletes favor it for lean gains in muscle mass, strength, and performance, with minimal side effects.
Androgenic 281
Anabolic 1304
Chemical Name
4-Hydroxy-17alpha-methyl hydroxyestra-
Estrogenic Activity none
Progestational Activity none
Methylhydroxynandrolone, or MOHN for short, is a potent derivative of nandrolone. This agent is orally active and non-aromatizable, with a profile somewhat similar to that of Winstrol or Anavar primarily anabolic, with no discernable estrogenic activity. According to early assay results, methylhydroxynandrolone is 13 times more anabolic than methyltestosterone, with approximately 3 times greater androgenicity. Although animal assay data doesn’t translate perfectly to humans, it remains clear that MOHN is considerably stronger on a milligram for milligram basis than the common prescription steroids. MOHN is also a bit more androgenic than the assay data conveys, and behaves slightly more like trenbolone than nandrolone in this regard. Its 4-hydroxyl group, a
modification that prevents its 5-alpha reduction in humans to weaker “dihydro” metabolites in the skin, scalp and prostate, intensifies the relative androgenicity of this steroid. Athletes favor it for lean gains in muscle mass, strength, and performance, with minimal side effects.