Feeling pretty good. Wish I had more time in the gym of an evening. Some nights I leave thinking about exercises I wish I had done. I need to start adding in ab work. How are you feeling about it bro?
For me it gets depressing. With child support raping me I have to find side work to try and make ends meet which cuts my planning for the gym and meals tighter. Fucking love the gym man. Makes me feel good more ways than 1. And I’m like fuck man I just want to work out and take my supplements. When I finally do make it… nothing matters but the music and weights. The ab exercise I do is the rope attachment on the cable. Knees on the floor and crunch that shit down. No pressure on the back and it fuckin burns something awful. I throw that it on the shorter workout sessions which is usually chest. With my short rest periods I’ll even throw those in after back. My work out sessions do feel great though.
I find myself asking the same question…about gear!!:crazy_face:… I am looking into stuff I haven’t tried yet… Like superdrol or winstrol. I’m brain storming another run. Trying to see which formulas I chose to run
That’s not a bad thing. You’re not paying bills from your gym time. If you get hurt in the gym… you might not be able to work your bread n butter job…. No $$$$….no bueno.
Leave a little bit on the table brother. Of course if you’re competing on stage or the platform or strong man… for money… or your body is your “brand”… then go for it.
My opinion only… worth just what I charged ya…nothing.
I was thinking Test, Mast, and Superdrol or Test, Primo, and Superdrol. I really liked the Test, Deca, and Mast. I think that has been one of my favorites so far. @Poppy I do all this just for me. I know I’m not big enough or strong enough to compete. I just like watching what I can do with my body. You have to remember I came into this game at 5’11" and 125 I’m still amazed looking at old pictures of myself. I like the peace it brings me when I get home and I’m just completely exhausted. I might compete if I had someone to push me and support me because I love the gym. I’m just doing this for myself though.
I’ve never really gone hard on mast but have always heard good things about it. Apparently that’s Seth feroce favorite. I do got two bottles of GC tren/mast mix I need to finish out with. Manufacture date is up there if you know what I mean . I feel you on the “I do it for me” scenario. Gear sure makes it a lot more fun and motivational as well.
Definitely. I liked bulking early on in my journey but now I think it looks to sloppy so I’m going as lean as I can with it. Striations on the delts and triceps is fuckin awesome. ( Never had that) Separation between muscle groups… Yada yada yada…if I could keep it like that and add another 15 leans pounds I’d be one happy little bitch… With striations…
When I ran it. It was the blend of 200mg each. It was perfect. I actually tried adding a little extra Test and it wasn’t necessary at all. So just stuck with the blend. It’s always bulking season over here. If I happen to get a little sloppy, come summer time. I’ll sweat it off quick.
I can imagine walk up and down that terrain like that. My tren mast split is 150 each. I’ll run those high and my test low. Test supply is low. Plus I’ve heard good things run high tren low test… Never really ran it that way b4. And now I don’t got a choice… Which honestly I like not having options sometimes… Makes it easier…
Just got word from my guy. They got a new blend test E deca 300/200. Might have to grab that. Hit it mwf for a 900/600 split… Also have a tri blend test E deca mast e 200 for all 3… Minds all fucked up right now…because I’d like to run some hgh with a cycle. Never have… and I achieve great results with just gear alone.
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