Yeah I can be in Boston in about 40 minutes and Portsmouth in about 25. 2 hours west or north and I can be either in the White Mountains or the Berkshires. I’m kind of spoiled
Got back from up north late Thursday night and slept most of yesterday. Diet has been all over the place with eating junk food out of stores, fast food, and lots of Dunkin Donuts. I did manage to eat clean when we got to go in and sit down to eat.
fast food
[/quote trips me out how they show those videos of McDonald’s burger patties sitting for years and never grown any type of mold on it… And I swear it is a pain in the ass even on a lunch rush to get some hot fries it’s like ever since the high-ass wages the food quality is gone down. Hell they even shrunk down the double cheeseburgers are like silver dollar pancake size now. But besides me sounding like a little bitch it is better to eat then not eat I suppose. That’s why my ass had a spicy chicken sandwich from KFC cuz i new damn well it was going to be at least 2 hours before I got home to eat clean… Here’s to junk food and gains my man
I ate 8 pieces and for me personally felt I could have ate 2-4 more to be where I like to be. But it wasn’t my birthday and I wasn’t supposed to be the one that was tripping the most. So my girl ate 12 after she came down from the little bit of penis envy she had on her. She then spent a good amount of time in her room alone processing the situation till her friends came. So I what I will say about these bars are they are the legit non counterfeit ones that use rcs. I had what was probably 1.8 grams of gt or what ever and that’s about what the trip I would expect from that amount
Training has been a mess this week as well so far. Once I got settled in back home the snow, rain, and cold hit. Today was the first day i was able to get out of the house. I’ve probably ate enough for the week already being stuck in the house. For a couple of days
Tonight’s training
Bent Over Rows 4×15, 1×13
Pull Up 3×10
Flat Bench 1×20,1×18, 2×15, 1×13
Dip 3×10
Shoulder Press 2×20, 1×15
Curl EZ Bar 2×15, 1×13
Tricep Extensions 1×20, 2×15
It felt pretty great. I started wearing out at the end but the bump had me needing another size shirt. Sleeves was as tight as the bands around the Ultimate Warrior’s arms.
Same I like to say I’m where I should have been 10 years ago and that’s why I’m with somebody 10 years younger. I mean she really 9 and 3 months younger but same thing
Yesterday’s training was
Squats 5×5
Hack Squats 2×15
Leg Extensions 2×25
Deadlift 3×8
Leg Curl 2×15
Standing Calve Raise 2×25, 1×20
Leg Press 3×25
Today was a rest day. Came in showered. Fell asleep. Woke up ate. Fell back asleep. Time for some more food and back to bed.
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