My ban from Musclegurus came as no surprise to me, it was my second time being banned for talking publicly about fake reviews for kalpa.
Back in 2015 I was killing time by doing image searches on some new members leaving reviews for kalpa and daddyroids. I found lots and lots of borrowed pictures, sometimes pros and sometimes dudes from gay russian dating sites. I found before and after pics that were clearly not the same guy. I popped in to the kalp thread and made a comment about his gear may be real but I’m calling bullshit on most of your reviews.
The source called for a mod to come protect him from me as I was clearly just trying to damage his rep in order to boost some other source. The mods came, I was banned for a month and was told to no longer make my fake review accusations public but to PM a mod about them. A member by the name of Tonytiger called me names and defend how awesome kalpa was… pointing out if I used kalpa gear I would not look so shitty.
I spotted a few more fakes from time to time and reported them to mods as I was told.
A few months ago I noticed a couple different reviews from a guy sporting the same arm tattoo. One from a member named tigerblood and some assorted bullshit user names. I reported the fake shit to a mod and the mod banned the fake account.
The member tigerblood creates a new account to talk to the mod about his being banned. He does not know he was banned for the arm tattoo matching other reviews. He explains that he had an ongoing arrangement with kalpa for half price gear in exchange for fake reviews. Kalpa had decided that they no longer liked the deal and had cut off Tonybloods cheap gear supply. They had a heated dispute, with kalpa allegedly threatening to send hotpacks to the tigerblood/ tony tiger guy. Tiger is sure that kalpa rolled on him to the mods and explains all this to the mod who passed it along to me.
The Mod is expecting kalpa to get the boot, and so am I. Kalpas punishment for the fake review scam is to be simply removed from his #1 spot in the rankings for a month. I share what is going on with a few members by PM and we are all like WTF??? that kalpa got nothing.
The situation gets brought up again in another thread… but no rules are broken and no sources named. I comment about how I love MG and that we have the best members I’ve encountered on a forum, and that its a shame that when I tell friends about the place I have to include the warning about how the rankings are fake. I comment about how I wish admin was as solid as the membership.
a few days later I am banned.
I dont know of anyone getting ripped off by kalpa, and their gear is probably fine. Its just a shame that they have to lie their way to the top of the rankings and get admin to protect them from membership that calls out the fake bullshit. If MG let sources defend themselves, and just deleted and called bullshit on fake reviews they would be an amazing forum and would have seen their membership continue to grow.
I’ll say it one more time… MG had, and still has some of the best members I’ve seen on a forum. Admin is not worthy of such great members.
I dont know anything about hacking. I dont know whats got Dont Trip so pissed offf at MG. I dont know why Sieg left. I’m not aware of anyone getting scammed.