My first experience at a Mexican pharmacy!


Well-known member
Hey there guys! Maybe a few of you guys know, but I’m down here in Mexico visiting family. I’m pretty sure everyone has seen that video, where Dave palumbo goes to the la farmacia. After, seeing that video, I felt like a little kid. I was pretty nervous going up to the pharmacist and asking for testosterone. 😂 Unfortunately the pharmacy didn’t have much but only sustanon (ready jacks, expensive af). I still decided to buy one though just for the hell of it.


Still cool as hell none the less! I hope it’s great bro. Shit, hit a few others while you’re down there! I womder if HGH is behind the counter too 😂
They are called ready jets and they are strong as fuck. $20 is the going price. Back in the day we use to get them for $8 each and make huge profit. Not as easy to
Get them now hence why you don’t see them in the states. Better buy a different size needle the one that comes with it will leave a hole in your shoulder or glute 😂😂😂 @TG you remember these beauties
I only ever saw sust when I was there for work for 8 months.
A long time ago, the vet pharmacies or I guess they were like feed and tack, used to have such a cool variety of stuff. I haven’t been back in years. I’ve shared those stories. Unfortunately, at that time, nubain and other " anti catabolic" drugs started getting a lot of bbers. Shit, I was working at a string of GNC like places owned by a group including j. Manion when GHB was legal and didn’t sell, all of a sudden we couldn’t keep it on the shelves. This big local guy comes in and buys all the stock. I am about 20 give or take and I’m like" is it really like GH? " Fucker gives me a bottle and says take a couple teaspoons with OJ when YOU GET HOME. Of course, myself and my co worker take it before we close and well…if anyone remembers the carbon credit card slips? We couldn’t remember how to use it! If the bigger guy said drink your piss, I might of back then. Good times!
I loved ghb I would still use it today if I could. We would workout hard and im talking 100+degrees field workout plus weights after go home eat a box of pasta and a lb of meatballs drink a cap of ghb crash for about 2-3hrs and feel like I slept for a couple of days. Get up and head out to afternoon workout.
Great stuff when it was legal
Now they want to give you break cleaner or something lol
Im not that smart and I have looked into it lol
Its actually hard. What is easy is the gbl that I don’t want to mess with.
That’s the break cleaner stuff
That gbl that’s what its used for right?
I believe that it is break cleaner or something like that.
Possibly just what they labeled it as to pass it in a store. I was just reading I guess it really isn’t break cleaner lol
Lol you crack me up. I had a buddy that was making it and a lot of it a while back. I’m sure if he can it’s not that hard. But that stuff is bad news man. He and his buddies weren’t using for bodybuilding anymore led him down a dark path which he’s still on.
That sucks
I hope that he can get cleaned up.
Its hard though ghb or gbl effects the cns so you can have seizures and all sorts of issues coming off of it if used heavily
Oh he’s on much heavier stuff now it’s a shame use to be very successful person now he’s about to lose everything
Very hard to get the few things needed for ghb. I believe sodium hydroxide is hard to get…regardless, it has shown great use in addiction especially ETOH and Benzos. The body excretes it as CO2 and H2O. All the studies on xyrem show very safe. Of course the company that sells it made huge profit and is developing or stealing another form to be used for alcohol withdrawal.
Like you said large amounts, periods of time. It’s a shame that , while I think most people don’t agree, officials have to “save us from ourselves” just like AAS. I wonder what the blowback will be from the Clemson players taking ostarine?
There all taking something. They just get caught every once in awhile. There going to try to keep it under the rug the school will make sure that it doesn’t get to be a big mess.