SB Labs

My opinion of DR? Tony Huge what a bad person

I wasn’t doing anything wrong they were young and jittery. I was in my prime and a mason tender. I was pretty intimidating looking back then. They had to justify their behavior so they gave me bogus offenses like resisting arrest. I had to pay a lawyer to fight in court for me. The judge sided with me and reduced it to disorederly
Thank you sir. I struggled with the same problems as @Dirtnasty. Cola (cocaine) and gasoline (meth) along with a severe drinking problem. Thank god I’m over it pretty much forever (i hope). I have a soft spot for good people that got drug down that road. That stuff will grab you and won’t let go. Sad very sad. But as the songs goes “I get by with a little help from friends” or “lean on me when you’re not strong”.