SB Labs

My opinion of DR? Tony Huge what a bad person

Man I was watching that show the other day saw tony, and Trevor acting like scientists lol. Said they can make anything in the lab even street drugs lmao. Then I saw what your talking about with that kid who got hit up with things I couldn’t imagine doing to look fuller on stage for the 2nd round. He did look better but the kid could hardly breathe. I wonder if tony has killed anyone doing this sketch stuff.
I truly was worried about him watching him change over time. You could see him dissapear and he was just a vessel when he walked on stage. I hope that he is doing well.
I saw he did an interview with Ryan russo not long ago and he seems to be alright except he was promoting Tony’s sarms saying it’s better then gear lol. It sucks because kids don’t realize that doing sarms at a young age can stunt male development, at least with test you get the aromatize from it to support that development.
Ambitionzcs said:
at least with test you get the aromatize from it to support that development.
Does aromatase really support development when using testosterone under 25yr old?
I’ve never heard or seen this before I was curious about this ?
Alright so I checked and flagged myself on this post and I shouldn’t have posted something openly bashing someone when the rules clearly state no bashing at ugmuscle.
This thread was bumped today and when I read it I realized that when I wrote it I was way to angry about what I had just witnessed.
The biggest portrayal of HARM ever recorded about AAS that I have seen and as everyone knows were all about Harm Reduction so I imagine that everyone can possibly understand why I went off on a tangent that I just needed to pull back a bit. Everything I say about him is true I just removed the name calling. If I could ban or silence myself for a week trust me I would lol
I believe that I shouldn’t have gone as far as I did especially because it wasn’t needed he literally showed everyone what I said anyways so I made this fit ugmuscle rules.

I mean you need estrogen for brain functions and more so when developing if you cut of the estrogen I’m sure the damage would be worse than me or you crashing it also th e lack of dht can stop the penis from growing as lot of kids taking sarms are in early teens
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