My introduction to the forum

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Hi everyone,

I’m reading here a lot lately, so I decided it’s time for an introduction 😊 English is my second language, I’m sorry for my horrible grammar.
I’m 28, female 5’10" and currently 145lbs.
I started lifting around 4 years ago and got serious about it 3years ago. I’m training 5x a week and diet is mostly on point. Only my sleeping schedule is a mess 😣
I did one cyle of sarms in December last year. It was a great experience, but I did not gain a lot. I learned from my pre-cycle blood work that my Testosterone is extremely low but finding a doctor to help is difficult.
So basically I’m just trying to learn as much as possible for my next cycle. My goal is to gain lean muscle without gaining a ton of fat and water weight. Any advice is greatly appreciated!
Welcome to ugmuscle sister were glad to have you around
We have other women on the board that you can talk with and they could help you out with dosage and such tbol or anavar might be some good orals to research maybe even proviron but there are definitely side effects for women so be careful and prepared. If you have any specific questions just tag me in @Bigmurph
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