SB Labs

New gear! New gains please

Currently 5”9 180 been training for 5 years , been on and off gear consistently. Trying to elevate at least 10 lbs , I struggle to get past the 190 mark . Usually run 500mg Test c and 500mg tren e weekly . Was purchasing gear locally but that’s no longer and option . I was reffered here from some gym buddy’s he uses this forum and highly recommended I take the necessary steps to get the gains I’m looking for . Trying to bulk up , increase strength , harden up and show some more vascular :muscle:t4::muscle:t4::muscle:t4:
Sounds like you’re doing everything right. Just got stuck. It’s the same way trying to get it off. Haha.

Slow n steady is best imo.
Imo on gear you get a little wiggle room…off gear you gotta be pretty strict…so maybe your up n down apetite is a blessing.
You said test and tren, other than upping your dose and adding an oral idk what it would be unless just geussing your local contact is pushing shitty product, you should be able to throw on weight at 5k calories per day. But ditto the rest of the guys on sponsers if theyre on here theyve been tested over and over and must never have any problems, which you should do too get a roidtest hell we even get discounts for those think you can get 1 for like 60 bucks i test all mine from everyone. Never had a problem. Ive only seen 1 mistake and the sponsor mailed new gear out quickly as we are all human. I would recommend ordering from us domestic sponsers if your in the u.s because its safer and faster. And wont pass thru customs. Even tho they all offer resend i think if something happens to it
Sorry if I sound negative but when I post I’m usually posting from my own experiences. You mentioned yourself eating 5k calories daily and it being clean too and I weigh 190. That’s right around where I have to eat to get from my normal maintence weight to gain size and it gets me religiously to the 230-233 mark and then every pound after that if a fucking war. But when I’m eating that many calories I find it so so hard to do it completely clean. It get insanely expensive, time consuming as hell and just hard to digest . I have to eat out at least one meal a day to get my calories up and then the other 5 meals are clean. Weighing 190 and supposedly eating 5000 calories should still have you growing like a weed . You should for jus a few days at least 3 days track your calories and really see how many your really consuming. You’ll be surprised . Now that’s my piece on nutrition. Now regarding your Compound choices you should read up some
More on what each does and what it’s used for. If your looking to gain size Tren is not the answer. Tren is meant to be used pre contest because you can maintain/still gain strength while cutting calories/weight. I love Tren too and am not outtin it down at all. I just know my body and I know when I’m running Tren it always always puts
My body in a “furnace” like state. I’m sure burning up everything like there’s no tomorrow. And Tren loves glycogen/carbs it just eats it up . If your gonna run it with the goal of size just keep the Tren dose low and use compounds meant for size like test deca Eq npp. My favorite bulker of all time test/deca/mast/gh/slin