SB Labs

Weight Gain

Man miss Strombolis. And those 3 deals were good back in the day. Big macs i wasnt too much a fan off but loved when mcD and king had their price wars lol. Or when stores had the rotisserie chickens on sale and buy two at a time and pack of tortillas. There was an all you can eat Mexican restaurant that had a platter of all different foods for about $10. Thankful for tren lol.
Mcd’s was on the way to work. Used to get a rotisserie chicken and set it on my desk… picked at it all day till it was gone.
Mcd’s was on the way to work. Used to get a rotisserie chicken and set it on my desk… picked at it all day till it was gone.
For me that was the key to eating. So much at once sometimes. But key things spread thru the day. Once full id stop and go into snacking mode. Picking at the food all day long keeping it in a cooler.
Loool I wish I had your tolerance for the devils piss. 100mg a week and I wanna fight the mail lady for making so many stops 😂😂😂
Lol I kinda learned to control it mentally. I would still get pissed and aggressive at times but I wouldn't act on it. I would remind myself the tren is fucking with me. If I was going to respond I wouldn't and tell myself I'm just overreacting cause the tren. But it was either tren and deal with it or lower dosage. Over time I just developed a fuck it attitude and didn't let anything bother me. Life was great.

Except maybe the night sweats. Sleeping on towels and trying to stay cool at night sucks lol
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Lol I kinda learned to control it mentally. I would still get pissed and aggressive at times but I wouldn't act on it. I would remind myself the tren is fucking with me. If I was going to respond I wouldn't and tell myself I'm just overreacting cause the tren. But it was either tren and deal with it or lower dosage. Over time I just developed a fuck it attitude and didn't let anything bother me. Life was great.

That’s an impressive amount of zen.
If you’re at 250g of protein, increase your carbs. When growing I’ve been up to 900-1000g of carbs a day.

We use carbs because they are protein sparing. Trying to gain size just by increasing protein will blow your gut out. Figure out what you digest easy, and eat a lot of it. Protein shakes for two meals a day. If your stomach can handle liquid egg whites they makes it a lot easier.

But then. Carbs. Lots of fucking carbs.
Did not realize that. Thank you
That’s not terrible. We’re about the same size (5,9”) kinda. I have a feeling you’re “bigger boned” than I am. I was 5’10” forever than only after chiropractor visits, now 5-9 for life. Probably shrink a bit more. I could walk around at 220 eating casually and light gear. I could get to 230 pretty easy…very uncomfortable at 240. With my current age/medical conditions… I went to 200 then 190… now at 180.

I agree with @Neuro If your labs hold up, stuff it in ya on your heavy cycles.
Your chiropractor fucked up your back?
Rice Chex cereal with protein shake for milk.
Ratio protein Greek yogurt (25g of protein)
Add 2 pieces of sourdough with jam to your meals or a couple rice cakes.

GHRP 6 will have you wanting to eat your arm. So will MENT.
Wow Greek yogurt has that much protein?
Your chiropractor fucked up your back?
Nah… used to be compressed in between visits. He would adjust me and I would get my inch back. Now it’s pretty much permanent. Disk, joints etc. everything is wearing out. I’m permanently 5-9 especially after a hard day of piddling around house. Don’t get me wrong. I feel very good most of the time with regular ole old guy pains when I overdo it.

I’ve been working on mobility movements beings I was slack for a while and stiffness crept in.
Increase slowly, as your gains slow. Titrate up on food as needed. Otherwise you may chunk up.

And no @Poppy is just older than the pyramids so he’s shrinking. His chiro straightens him out an inch or so.
Blahaha @Sabin1@Neuro is my number 1 son. He talks me back from the edge often. I’ve got all daughters and all granddaughters… just had a gender reveal for my next grandchild and…. Drum roll…. Yep… another girl. @Neuro … your spot as numero uno is still safe.
I am mean as Hell on Tren, but pure demonic on Proviron.

Thanks for all the responses guys. A lot of help.
Interesting about prov. I’ve noticed the same thing. On mast e… no real “mood swings” but prov makes me a bit “twitchy” and a bit less “tolerant”.

You’re the first one to have the same reaction as me although I’m a bit older and bit more patient. Not dinging on ya I get it.
Blahaha @Sabin1@Neuro is my number 1 son. He talks me back from the edge often. I’ve got all daughters and all granddaughters… just had a gender reveal for my next grandchild and…. Drum roll…. Yep… another girl. @Neuro … your spot as numero uno is still safe.
😂😂😂😂 whew. Safe for one more round! I’ll take it all day! Congrats on the girl!
Interesting about prov. I’ve noticed the same thing. On mast e… no real “mood swings” but prov makes me a bit “twitchy” and a bit less “tolerant”.

You’re the first one to have the same reaction as me although I’m a bit older and bit more patient. Not dinging on ya I get it.

Always interesting hearing how things affect different people. I would say Mast and proviron are such positive mood stabilizing compounds so to speak.
😂😂😂😂 whew. Safe for one more round! I’ll take it all day! Congrats on the girl!
Most likely last grandchild until baby girl gives me one. She’s 10 and will probably never leave the house which is fine by me. You’re pretty much my son forever… stuck with me if you will 😂😂😂