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SB Labs

New guy in the UGMUSCLE house

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We look forward to your participation. If you have any questions please let me know.
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Welcome to UGM @LeonitasCas . amazing place for you to end up and get more education. If you don’t mind sharing, what are you running as your first cycle? And how long you been running it?
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Welcome to ugm brother glad to have you.
It would be great if you posted up your cycle in another topic im curious as to what your running and your goals.

Good luck and good gains brother
@josh, my first 8 weeks I ran 200mg/ml per week of test cyp. I split that into 100mg/ml twice a week. My last two weeks, I started using three products from i-Fit Pharmaceuticals to supplement. I also take .5 arimidex EOD and 250iu of HCG EOD.

Last week started a new cycle that my good friend got me on. It ups my test cyp to 400mg/ml a week in addition to the i-Fit gear.

I’m not sure if I can talk about i-Fit gear, as a review I did was flagged. So until I know, I’ll hold off in identifying what it is.
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LeonitasCas said:
I’m not sure if I can talk about i-Fit gear, as a review I did was flagged. So until I know, I’ll hold off in identifying what it is.
@LeonitasCas We currently do not allow reviews of products from labs that are not Verified Sponsors of Please do not take this personal. There are learning curves to every forum and since you recently joined it was an easy mistake to make. If you see i-Fit as a good fit for consideration as a verified sponsor please contact @Bigmurph and he can tell you what you can do to help them get verified. Labs going through the verification process creates a level of trust and accountability that benefits our community.

We go out of our way to not censor any member but on very rare occasions we do take action and it should never be viewed as a personal issue or censorship.

At anytime if you have any questions or concerns please feel free to PM me. I am here to help and make the forum a enjoyable and productive community for everyone.
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@SemperFi I completely understand. Security is paramount for me as it will and can directly affect my career. As far as taking things personally, I lack any form of emotion or feelings… hahaha

I appreciate the feedback. I’m not trying to promote, It was mostly to identify what it is I’m using. You know, for research! And, I’m definitely not the guy to make recommendations for anything. I’m green and wet behind the ears still.
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