New here and kind of overwhelmed

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Hello everyone! I am excited to join this community, but please let me know if I fucked up somehow in this post. The only relevant tag I could find is bodybuilding for example. I am 19 M, 170 lbs and 6’. Body fat % is around 8-10 and completely natty. I joined this community because I would like to learn more about using PEDs, specifically tren and the like. I have been lifting consistently over the past 5 years, and obviously I have seen large gains. However, the past year or so I have been struggling with body dysmorphia a lot, especially when seeing huge guys on roids at the college gym and on tiktok (daddy cbum). Over this past summer, I gained around 20 lean pounds by being very consistent with my diet and training, but I feel like I am stuck now even with an abundance of food and access to great facilities. Deep down I feel like PEDs won’t fix anything long term, but I am tired of being frustrated every day looking in the mirror. My main goal is to get even bigger and potentially compete in bodybuilding competitions in the future. I am glad to accept any advice you all have to offer.
Hey welcome. You’ve come to a great place.

Let me go ahead and tell you what you’re about to hear:

No way. You’re 19. There’s no reason for you to be on gear at that age. You’re natural levels are still/should be PLENTY high enough. You have the time and money to be on hormone replacement therapy for life? Bc there is always a chance you won’t restart your natural production back.

You gained 20lbs in one year natty? That is literally in the 0.01% of the population.

You want muscles and you want em now. That’s not the mindset to have. Slow and steady. Even with gear.

At the end of the day it’s your body. Your hormones. Your money. Your future. You get to make the call for yourself. Either way. Read as much as you can. Learn as much as possible. There’s nothing safe about used AAS. It’s all about mitigating risk where we can.
Welcome. I won’t say you’re too young. Hell I started earlier. But I will say do it right and be smart about it. Stay away from diuretics, slin, etc.

You have to consider what’s worth it and not worth it. Mr Olympia Jay Cutler started in his teens.

But that said judging by your height and weight you still have room to grow natty for another year or two easily.
First… welcome brother. Glad to have you!

Second… your intro was perfect. You will not be berated or ridiculed here. We treat each other with respect and settle for nothing less.

Third… my adopted son @NeuroRN told you right…exactly right.

Forth… brother I’ve said this before…I would literally chop a pinky off to get your t levels back. I got them but I have to stick an eff’n needle in my body e3d (every third day) FOREVER to keep them.

Fifth… you do NOT…repeat… do NOT have to be on aas to belong to this community. I’m on the most boring weakest stuff on the planet and that don’t prevent me from blathering on and on.
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We all get stuck… just keep plugging along. Apparently you’re not lazy and are focused. Maybe do what @TG suggested and keep at it for a couple more years doing exactly what you’re doing and truly reach your maximum natural potential.
NeuroRN said:
on hormone replacement therapy for life?
Hmm, did not think about this 😦
That does not sound fun at all. Does this mean that all of the Mr. Olympias have to do this for the rest of their lives? Chris Bumstead, being 26, will have to be on therapy forever? What if I just wanted to be a little bigger, but not THAT much bigger. Would the chance of my hormones getting messed up be smaller or is it entirely random/genetic?
I can’t gain twenty keepable pounds in a year using AAS. That’s your youth and appetite. That being said I don’t run crazy extreme cycles either. They scare me. I started at the age of 44 cause my natural test levels plummeted. I ran the most aggressive cycle yet this summer I used Tren and Test and a couple accessory supplements. I ate great worked hard and gained 8 pounds of muscle keepable muscle!!! I also lost 17 pounds of fat. Point is even on the king steroid , tren, it was 20 weeks and only gained 8 pounds lean muscle. Like @NeuroRN said slow progress. Also you need to consider your long term goals. Kids in your future you better be real careful what compounds you choose. Tren deca NPP all real
Bad choices for those wanting childrens.

There is a ton of experience here on diet and exercise programs. Sometimes you gotta change your program when you hit a plateau. A lot of guys here would be happy sharing different routines with you. It’s all about science. I’ve plateaued while on cycle and had to change my routine. Get good sleep do some intermittent fasting to kick those natural levels of GH in gear. Lots and lots you can do to reach goals before you start using gear. But it’s your choice and if you choose to take the plunge we will gladly help you make good choices and promote harm reduction with our experiences and knowledge.
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Haha yes. If you listen to interviews all the way back to Dorian Yates, and Ronnie Coleman they all require TRT even after body building.

It’s risk vs reward buddy. If you just want to get a little bigger you have to tools naturally you’ve already said this.

You are shutting down your natural hormones. Why do that for a little gains? AAS aren’t a magic bullet. At all. It’s hard work. Discipline. Grinding.

My system shutdown after my 3rd cycle. Pct worked fine and then it didn’t. Now I’m replacing my hormones for life. Which is fine with me, I don’t plan on having kids and I’m financially stable.

If you live to be 80. That’s 61 years of pinning twice a week. That 6k+ needle sticks.

Get your hormone levels checked now. Before you do anything so you know where you stand.
I’m coming up on about 15-20 years of hrt…. @Cynolycus this was from use starting mid 20’s. Not a pro anything just a gym rat.

I like being a healthy strongish old man but I won’t lie…pinning is getting a little tiresome.

Fortunately i have good finances, insurance and a script for pharmaceutical test.
It’s bad enough Cbum who’s a millionaire will be on TRT for life. 99% of the people who get into it young need it for life after a certain point and they end up regular Joe’s lol. It’s a lot easier for a millionaire to pin multiple times for life then it is for a regular joe lol
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Welcome I’ll reiterate that you are too young. I think a big issue with kids yiur age is social media shows these crazy physiques that you know the guys are using so it makes
It seem
Like a good choice. The problem is bet most these guys don’t look into or think of long term. I k ow I didn’t at 19. I would grind it out for as many year possible till the Gaines plateau which should be a good while for you if you work hard and have good programs
Welcome aboard. I’m going to say the same as @NeuroRN. You’re 19. You got more natural going on right now. For growth. Diet. Diet. And diet. Did I say diet? Eat like you want to grow. If you’re not eating 6 times a day, you’re not growing. (I mean good food too😉)
And if your not shutting constantly then uo the food my. God I feel I just eat shit at this point of ky life but I’m getting big as fuck
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