New here and to gear

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Hi, just created my account in November but I’ve been reading over the last 6+ months or so lurking on the different forums, websites and books to get to understand what there is to need to know around running cycles and for my age.
I’m 42, I was a new years resolutioner 5 years ago and been lifting every day with little exception over that time span. 1 year ago I ran my first PED cycle of Ostarine, started a second 3 weeks in with LGD when Covid hit. Once gyms re-opened, 4 weeks later I tore my meniscus and ACL doing decline BP… WTF right? After surgery, I got on HGH and started an Ostarine run for 5 weeks, then switched to LGD as progression was actually really good but I was looking for more effect on the quad atrophy. Now, I just want to quit dinking with the SARMs shit and if I’m gonna do it, do it right! 🙂
Welcome aboard. Make sure your familiar with the rules and if you’re going to ask a question, make sure it’s appropriate and permitted. Search up the rules

Great place and lots of info here!
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Welcome. Glad your making the switch, fuck sarms. Out of everywhere you looked I’m willing to bet, this forum will be of the most helpful you.Lots of knowledge and camaraderie around here.
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