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I’m no doc either but cyp starts dropping fast on day 4… e3d is the general protocol for fwd thinking docs.

Once you get real comfortable with everything maybe you could start futzing with it.
Your in a good place here @Bullcreek, as you can see you already have guys chiming in,and different views and protocols people use…And what @squatter said was right about being ultra stable blood levels,just like what @Poppy said,is also correct.Also, as already stated,ask away,you are not goin to learn if you dont.Research n ask questions will get you far.
Im a weirdo who always feels better pinning more often, do what fits you I believe that is what it really comes down too.
Do what fits your life and you can maintain long term. ED pinning produces the most stable blood levels for sure.

Have you gotten labs done while pinning subq? There’s some data showing you need less when pinning subq Bc the absorption is so much better.
I don’t think you’ve weighed in on the doctor aspect of this @NeuroRN ,but why does it seem like my dad is the ONLY one I’ve heard of gettin the TRT pellets Injected in his glutes/thighs?
I think it’s Bc most people would rather inject at home and not have to go back to the doctor? I really don’t know. I’ve heard of some really bad infections from pellets. But I also know people who absolutely love them.

I guess it comes down to preference of doctor and patients.
Ok,yeah I know my dad don’t like the injection,and the cream wasn’t cuttin the mustard…here I am talking about cream and mustard now I’m hungry
Bahahahha omg. What a turn of topics.

Yeah I think for most on trt it’s about finding what works best for them.
Wtf my BP don’t like to much sodium,here I am showing discipline in my diet,and your telling I only live once,but what you don’t know is I’m like a cat,9 lives,I used most of em I’m Iraq,I’ll be damned if sodium kills me
I’m a EOD my self with a 1/2 29g insulin syringe. I personally go IM though. I starting getting welts that lasted
Your hurt cause of that shitty Mexican food,hope you and the missus had a good time.
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