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I ran into a nurse at my gym. She was an old high school buddy. We actually lifted weights in school her dad was the weight lifting coach. She works for an orthopedic doc and she got me apt to get cortisone shoots. But I am going to look Up that alflutop sounds interesting. As far as aas, I wanted to run something on top of my trt to gain some muscle and size. I am 6’6” and it takes a lot to fill out cause I have always been kind of lanky. I have gained 50 pounds in the last 8 months doing CrossFit and trt. I started at 190 now I weigh 240. I would like to weigh around 265-275. And keep it there. I just took blood test a couple weeks ago for my doctor so she shouldn’t test my blood for a while now. I don’t know how taking aas is going to effect my blood levels. Doctor might be able to tell I been doing something else besides trt. I Researched npp that does sound a lot better than deca. Shorter ester gets out of your system quicker and packS on muscle ect. Thanks for the information. You been so helpful
Got a cortisone shot last week just in time before they stopped non emergency Appts. I did something that ended up in a pinched nerve in my shoulder and I couldn’t move my arm at all. With the cortisone I can move well enough to work but I can still feel something swollen or out of place.

As far as blood work test will obviously increase test levels. Almost all AAS will (signifigantly) increase RBC and Hematocrit and mess with your cholesterol levels and possibly liver enzyme values. Moderate cycles shouldn’t alarm your doctor (except jacked up test).
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Hope you get to feeling better soon. I will pray for your arm to get better and have increased and rapid healing. I believe in faith as well as medicine lol. - my doctor just took blood test and she don’t do test but every few months. So I was hoping I could give blood and by the time she takes blood again my test would be back to some what normal levels lol. The thing is she might try to cut my trt dose down if test levels to high. — I had a question. If I do cortisone shots do they have bad reaction with anavar and deca. I didn’t know how to get npp so I started my deca and anavar Saturday. Just didn’t want bad reaction when I went to doctor Thursday for shots. Btw I think it’s real gear especially the deca. I took 300 mg and the next day I felt like I did when I first started test. I had increased libido and a headache. When I went to the gym I felt it in me. I didn’t think I would notice so soon but I guess cause I have 20 weeks worth of test in me I could feel it sooner. The anavar has my heart thumping hard. I been taking 10mg 3 x day. This is my 5th day on it. I checked my blood pressure and heart rate. It was 130/78 hr 83. So I still good. Thanks again for all the information. You guys have been amazing
Hey I noticed my skin turned a little yellow tint today. Not bad but a little. I threw the bottle of anavar away. It was making me sick any way. It was just today. I stopped taking it and I looked before bed it’s about gone. I would think that was what caused it. I took shot of deca last Saturday so I don’t think it was that. I got cortisone shot today but I noticed yellowing before that shot. I wanted to do my deca again Saturday but might not if it causes that too. I never took an oral before so I was thinking it was anavar not deca. I was concerned but I see it’s gonna away I’m good. Been taking n2 guard tudca ala and Choline Inositol 1000 mg. To get me going in right direction. My question is do you think the anavar did this or an deca di this. I really don’t think deca did. It felt real and it’s been 5 days since I injected before my skin had a little bit of yellow to it. And anavar been having me funky.
I will be honest im not sure if you’re talking about bruising in the injection site or if its something like jaundice from toxicity in your kidneys.
If you were taking 30mg/day of Anavar and started getting jaundice my guess is that you got M1T sold as Anavar. Possibly Superdrol. But M1T is the only thing I can think of that would mess up your liver that bad and get you sick that fast and is much cheaper than Anavar so worth it for someone to pass as a much more expensive product. I still use it once in a while but never over 20mg/day. It boosts my blood pressure and has immediately noticable effect. It also makes me feel like shit after about a week. I like what it does for me so I fight through it.

Anavar at that dose would not have a noticable effect or get you that sick/damage your liver that fast.

You should get bloodwork done to make sure your bilirubin is back done and liver enzymes are at decent levels. Also look at RBC and Hematocrit, if those are excessive consider donating blood.
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I will give blood immediately. So it’s was probably the oral then. I was going to go ahead and take anther dose of deca tomorrow . But I did place order today with Dutch (npp) so hopping things work out better
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