New Program for Winter?


Active member
Hey, guys! I was wondering if anyone could point me to a bulking program for this winter. I’m 20, and currently natural. As for diet and supplements I already have that laid out. I’m a incredible hard gainer 6’1 135lbs if anyone can help a younging out, I would greatly appreciate it. and I understand some programs aren’t free but I rather ask around before I buy a program.

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get one of ur buddies in the gym with ya to help push ya and go to a buffet afterwards and try to out do each other there too. sounds like ur metabolism is really fast to be that lean so just cram the food in. diet is important especially as u get older. but when i was that age i could eat anything and still not have any fat. rip the muscles in the gym. rip the waist every time u eat
Yeah 20 you full of test piss and vinegar. I’m not trying to be a dick, but even on the juice you still have to work your ass off there’s no magic pill, like if YOU start juicing and doing your same program all of a sudden your Jay Cutler. Sure you may gain 5 pounds juicing with no change but what’s the point. Still takes one hell of a commitment and dedication. Wish you the best .
Eat way more than you think you need my friend. You say you are a hard gainer so start off eating 2500 calories high protein, moderate carb and medium to High fats. High fats being around 70-90 grams of fats depending on how you handle it. Putting on too much weight too fast cut back on calories a little, not gaining weight add calories. Easy way to do this I find is by eating about 5-6 times a day. If you don’t wanna eat anymore your doing it right, your body needs to adjust and pack on all the extra calories. While you grow pay attention to your BF and adjust macros if gaining too much fat. Above all drink plenty of water. You might also need some fiber to help you process all the meals and digest. As far as training I recommend at least two rest days however you would like to split it. Train hard and make some gainssssss!!! Good luck, stay positive and never give up!
At your age, stay natural- you’ve plenty of test flying around your system anyway. If you have the budget, engage @PHD on here. He’ll give you structure and direction around training, eating, resting and supplements.
What’s your diet like now?
We can’t help unless we know what you are doing now so that we can help adjust your macros or what you are actually eating. Especially as a hard gainer you have to eat big to get big.

What’s your daily intake? Protein,carbs,fats,cals?
As everyone says you need to eat alot more.
Generally the rule is: your weight x 18 or 20 = your daily caloric goal. So about 2,700 daily.

Calorie ratio should be similar to, if not: 40-45% carbs, 35-40% Protein, 20- 25% Fat.

Try to eat every 2-3 hours, 6-8 meals. If that’s hard, drink your calories with shakes.
Hit me up if you want a program I offer a discount to members. Nobody on here knows your diet or anything else about you. Once you fill out my questionnaire I’ll know what direction to put you on for program of nutrition and lifting

Yea, here’s my schedule my life evolves around university, and intake means the time I eat meals, I just created this recently so I’m hoping to work. And my diet consist of mexican food which is usually about 150g of carbs and 50g of protein. Plenty of water. No other drinks(apple juice, OJ, etc). And alot of caffeine throughout the day 400g i’ll say. For the gym I hit Chest/Tri, Back/Bi, Legs(A little bit of shoulders) 6x a week and I am for 12reps 75% max. And for supplements I’m taking creatine, citrulliine, 1 tablet of ashwanga, and 40mg of accutane daily. Cus ya know hormones are flying @PHD
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