New to the forum

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What’s up guys? 35 M. New to the forum, obviously. Used gear in my teens and 20’s irresponsibly, but loved the results. Just got put on TRT, so naturally my mind gravitated here. I’m just interested in learning more about what I could add to the TRT and getting sponsored (I know not to directly ask). Anyways, glad to be here.
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If you just got put on TRT stay there for a year. Lots of health benefits to be gained just by bringing your test to high end of normal.

Great group here. No BS or bullying… unless we’re picking on @Poppy for his back hair. (Love you dad)

Use the magnifying glass to search any questions, If ya can’t find an answer post it.
😂😂 DAMNIT. How did you know I was jealous of your winter coat?!

Back fur!!!
What type of training regimen do you follow?

PPL right now 3x a week
6’3 200
Wasn’t making much progress because of the low T (160 ng/dl) but you can tell I lift.
Pretty disciplined diet 90% of the time.
50% of cals coming from carbs on workout days
50% coming from fats on off days
G of pro per BW
In a 500 kcal surplus now
Would like to be about 220 w abs (2 abs visible now)
Just to throw this in there: the trt is 50mg/wk. Of course he said we could go up based on the 3month blood work.
6-3… you’re a big dude.

50mg @week is light. But better to start low and sneak up on it with the goal of maximum t intake with zero sides.

One pin a week?
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