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Nope you did right.

Test c and e are usually best pinned twice a week. C starts crashing quickly at 4 days. E is close to the same… I’m not sure if 50mg a week is worth splitting into two pins a week.

I’m tagging in @Neuro or anyone else to weigh in.
Test c/e levels drop off sharp after 3-4 days. At a minimum they need to be pinned twice a week. Even better every day. But that’s not realistic for most folks and the lives they lead.
My dick just went soft polling at those test numbers. I’d look at the doc and haggle starting. With 50 mg a day
My opinion and my story

My doc started me on 200mgs every 2 weeks. I split it to 50 e3d.

That was just to start. I was a veteran aas user so I escalated after a few months. I went to 125ish every 3/4 days.
One more question and I’ll shut up for now. Obviously, I need to get the blood work done during the trough, but should I attempt to influence the results. Such as, taking half the dose that week etc.
I wouldn’t try and get the right dose. Not sure relationship with doc. But if you would
Like to be on higher end tell them that. Say if your injecting why not get closer
To 1000 than 500
You should be as honest as possible with your doc, like dirt said. Personally I like to keep my test a bit higher that the upper limit. All my labs etc look good at that level and I feel great.

It’s a very personal thing and you should try to get an accurate picture of how you’re responding so no, do not attempt to influence.
First… don’t ever shut up here. No question goes unanswered and no question is too dumb. That’s what makes us different.

As far as influencing… my doc has absolutely forbid me from getting to 1000 t levels. He’s a nice guy but doesn’t have a very good handle on trt (he’s my urologist).

I abstain from pinning for a week or so prior to my annual labs to keep my levels in check so doc will be happy.

I don’t know that I would recommend that for you. Always best to keep everything right for a while…after all this is your health we’re dealing with.
Full disclosure… I’m an advanced age lifter with great insurance, diabetes and a couple other things I’m keeping an eye on… i have 4 scheduled labs a year and get at least 2 more extra for cause so I’m pretty up on my blood work.
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