I’ve got a young man that just got out of prison (12 years).
There’s a long story behind all of it but the most important part is he never had a loving strong positive male role model. I didn’t get to him soon enough and he had two enableing adult females in his life that did him no favors.
He got out right At Christmas. I’m here to tell you he was one humble somebody. He was over for Christmas dinner so I got some great one on one time with him. He understands everything very clearly now (so far). He has several job interviews this week. For the first time in his life he wants to work and have his own stuff/life independent of others.
My goal for 2024 is to guide him and get him on his way in life. At 35, he’s got a lot of living left to do and hopefully he’ll run across a 20 yo version of himself back then and help that person.
Thank you. Just trying to make the world a better place one act at a time.
Unfortunately we’ve gotten to the place on this planet where humans are throw away items like tvs and phones… used to, we would fix lots of stuff… nowadays it’s all disposable.
The best years of my life, were when I was accountable to someone else and they needed me to “show up” those years that I didnt even know I was doing important “work” and it never crossed my mind to get anything in return. I’ve stated 99.9% of my problems are luxurious and theres many brothers and sisters out there that would trade in a second. I’ve walked a couple blocks in those shoes. When we ever think we are disposable and don’t count. So many of us can get there and we think we are alone and are the only ones with scary thoughts. Can’t grab somebody all we can do is hold out the proverbial hand, if I am fortunite enough another reachs out. To me life isnt a TED talk. I never felt better then when I showed up for someone and did the next right thing. I hope I get more gifts like that. Until then ill do a lot of juice and train, i mean no ones watching:face_with_raised_eyebrow:
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