Hey all. 27 years old, multi sport athlete. competitive mixed martial artist, former power lifter/ bodybuilder, pursuing PhD in nutrition science. just looking for a community of bros to share and gain some knowledge from. Had a few orders with SRX and PSL labs due to recommendations from this forum. After doing some research I’ve concluded that verification on this site is not an easy credential to incur so being that I trust the judgement of the mods and higher ups running this site I’m happy to say this site gave me the confidence to order worry free with those 2 srcs and happy I did excellent quality from both. Happy to be apart of such a knowledgeable and honest community, not like this biased douche weasels over at eroids. (Yes I’m formerly a member there lol. Sorry:unamused but I welcome any and all questions if you’d like to know more about me or the cycles I ordered from the mentioned sources I’m happy to talk about quality. I read the rules and I don’t think I’m breaking any but if I am and misunderstood I seriously apologize. But happy and grateful to be apart of thisray:t2: