Not a good fucking day

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Staff member
So it’s one of those days, I worked a 13 hour day yesterday to finish a siding job were on, we worked till 9 pm last night to finish, I didn’t work today, were starting new job tomorrow,but last night when I got home it hit me, that fury hit me fuckin hard,when I finally went to I fell asleep quick, my wife said I was saying fucked up shit in my sleep, and I walked down stairs, then came up and laid back down, I was extremely restless, and when I woke I’m still angry,it wont fuckin leave,I’m trying, I apologized to my wife,and cried. Anyways I did a little bis,tris, and shoulders, while watching the Mets game which is on right now.


You look great brother build is really tight. Shoulders looking great

Im sorry I hope that this isn’t because of yesterday?

Working under lights if you guys had any is never an end to a good day and 13 hrs sucks especially doing siding.
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Do you have a quiet spot you can go to? Let your mind spin down and get your balance back.

I have my bench on the pond to simmer down.
I despise those days where nothing seems to go right, haven’t had it happen in awhile so I’m sure it’s due. Your shoulders are nuts man. I wish my delts would pop like that. Anyway I hope your day gets better bro.
Best I do is pace, somewhere Inside all over the house or go outside with the dogs they make me feel better
Thanks guys for all the positive comments,I’m goin to run a practice with my kid and a few others on the team
That makes me feel better but what’s up brother this is just one of those days and tomorrow is a reboot or is this more?
Been there my brotha. No worries, the sun will rise tomorrow. On a good note your looking good, and it’s better to look good than to feel good. Lol
Had a shit day my self. Found out need knee surgery then my daughter came home and said she tested positive for Covid. Shot happens my dude. Like every other shit storm this to will pass.
I want those shoulders but bigger hahah. I think those plate from the super d I feel oooe shoulders respond well to that compound
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