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Not sure if this is true or not. Flex wheeler

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So it could very well be true but it does come from a sketchy news site that allows people to publish before they have fact checked. The warning above is the fine print on the news site lets hope that its not true and Flex is ok.
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That’s my opinion as well. Good eye on the fine print haha. I couldn’t imagine.sculpting my body my whole life just to lose a piece of it. Even if I was a lazy fuck I don’t know if I could deal with those circumstances.
It looks to be true other sources are reporting now. They are stating that it’s been rumored for a couple of days now but they didn’t release any details due to not knowing if it was true. Apparently flex is going to make a statement in a few days.
They say he’s in good spirits. Doubt I would be. Can’t even imagine
Definitely, since he is in good spirits maybe he will move into coaching. Knowing the things he does would be awesome for someone coming up and starting a career in bodybuilding.
I’m sure man, he will never just dismiss the bodybuilding community. Who knows maybe his own supplement line, coaching, nutritionist…And I pray it’s not true about the amputation, but he could very well be the first bodybuilder to grace the stage in a competition even though being handicapped. The fact he’s in good spirits means alot man, I’ve met him a few times and he’s not the type to just throw everything away because of a disability
I agree definitely a great one but with all his health issues it’s not very smart. Doubt this has anything to do with bodybuilding (I hope not) but his Kidney issues he should not have even done the Olympia in 2017 I believe it was.
Flex coached Rhino back in 07. Rhino attributes most of his success to Flex and Flex’s diet plan on building metabolism. Implements his program into all of his Athletes to this day, like the mountain and Larry Wheels to name a couple
Shawn Ray talked to him and did an interview with Palumbo look it up on YouTube. I’d post link but my connection is poor where I’m at.