BF #1 - 3 eggs, 3 eggs whites
BF #2 - Overnight oat in soy milk, w/ 1/2 scoop of protein powder
Snack #1 - Strawberry/Banana 50g protein smoothie
Lunch - Lean Ground turkey, protein rice, veggies
Dinner - Pizza, or Mozz stick…maybe both (I hope)
Workout 1 Bench Press:
Heavy 1x5
Heavy 5x3
Workout 2: 15min AMRAP - Rounds and Reps
1 Shuttle Run
5 Push-ups, 10 Air Squats, 15 Sit-ups
2 Shuttle Runs
5 Push-ups, 10 Air Squats, 15 Sit-ups
3 Shuttle Runs
5 Push-ups, 10 Air Squats, 15 Sit-ups
…ect (Add 1 Shuttle Run Each Round)
Daily Gratitude:
End of the Youth Sports fall season and the associated time suck.