October 18th installment of diets and bodybuilding

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Staff member
Good fucking morning all. Breakfast was 3 HB eggs no yolk,protein shake,3 pieces a toast no butter,1 strawberriy chobani, banana,coffee and water.Gonna do shoulders today. I am grateful for a roof over my head and a supportive family.Hope everyone has a smooth and productive day.
4 eggs over easy with 2 pieces of sausage, and quart of chocolate milk. Today’s training is Lower Strength. Squats, hack squats, leg extensions, stiff leg Deadlifts, lying leg curls, standing calve raises, and seated calf raises. Second meal was protein shake and 2 Hawaiian sweet rolls. 3rd meal is 2 boneless chicken breast shredded with yams and Dew.
Had a good front/rear shoulder workout.Preworkout was Citrulline/Arginine and a 16oz black coffee.Making lunch now which will be 4 pieces whole wheat bread,2 chic breasts lightly smothered in balsamic vinegar,and half can chic peas.
Super hard gainer! I can pretty much eat as much as I want and stay super lean. I ate even more as a teenager and graduated high school at 125 lbs. I changed my diet and started eating what was actually good for me to get to 135lbs. That was training my ass off to the point the gym owner was telling me i probably needed more rest days to grow.
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