SB Labs

October 9th edition of diets, training,life

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Staff member
Military Vet
Good morning new female friend left at 0615,yes she stayed the night and guess what happened,one of the worse things a dude could encounter my FUCKING dick wouldnt, libido is there at least.Its my FUCKIN psych meds I have no Cialis,so I’m gonna jam some test P after work.And my bro in law is giving me some Cialis until i order some.Breafast is two cans a tuna,1 bagel, banana,coffee, not sure about lunch and dinner Today I am grateful for my job.Hope everyone has a smooth and productive day.
Sorry to hear on dick not working. That was me last few weeks of prep I’ve got 12’s the next 2 days still lackin g motivation for gym
This morning at 6a

John said:
Well if she doesn’t come over tonight,I’ll know why
Lol. That’s awful. When that happens to me then I feel pressure next time to make it work which is even worse. Cialis definitely your best friend rn.
Big yes on the deer killing mode. Put up kids new ladder stand in new spot. Put out two new Muddy trail cams with cellular app to link pics to phone. Awesome cams. Can turn on and off remotely good images lots of bells and whistles only $79 per camera and five dollars per month per camera. for cellular connection. Also dropped sixty pounds of apples.

Here images of two cams

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Trained chest and tris. Had 2 scrambled eggs. French toast and turkey sausage. Been running errands all day and haven’t eaten anything other then a protein shake. Waiting to donate blood now. Making a steak and cheese when I get home
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Seeing as I haven’t killed in over year,or ate venison,id fuckin drop his ass.
I hear you bro. Am the same way. You should come out here during the holiday hunt when we thin the herd and take a couple does home for meat.
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