SB Labs

Oil carriers release time vs ester release time discussion


Well-known member
Was doing some homework and came across this video on different oil carriers by Vigorous Steve, which i learned alot from, but the part that confuses me is when he talks about the different type of oil carriers release the active compound quicker than other oil carriers. So what happens to the ester and its affect on the release of the compond does it get overrided by the oil carrier or do they work together ? Need some help understanding this process. Thanks Guys

That’s very interesting. I watched about 15 minutes of it. Sounds like castor oil allows for a longer half life requiring less frequent injections and more stable levels. And mct oil absorbs a lot faster requiring smaller doses and more frequent injections even if using an ester like enthenate. Changes our approach for injecting frequency and stability of levels.
Yes so if the carrier oil releases the compound quickly , what does the ester do and what is its roll in all of this. Or do they work together, a portion gets released by the carrier oil and the rest get released by the ester? So he says , even if the ester has a half life of 10 days you should inject more frequently if it is in MCT oil or grape or cotton seed oil, so you blood levels stay more stable.
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This is a pretty informative video. I probably should start checking with sponsors to find out what they use for carrior oils. Not that I have a nut allergy or anything but I think its good to know. Do you suppose they would have a problem with me asking?
Yes I emailed one of the sponsors I use and he replied right back right away with no problem. He uses MCT / Mig840 blend as his carrier oil. Also other sponsors have it printed on their label which is very helpful. Waiting on a couple more sponsors to get back to me.
No I didn’t ,but now I’m thinking about i should have. I will send him an other email when he gets back from the holidays .
Sounds good. Hoping some of the guys here will chime in with their knowledge. I am taking a two month break off compounds anyways so not a big deal for me to wait for answers.
Yes it would be great if could get some of the sponsors to chime in on the subject. I think this is something we all can benefit from.
So admittedly i have not done a lot of research in the exact topic of this, however it has been my understanding that the oil itself controls the absorption rate by the body itself, and the ester does what we all know it to do, which is control the amount of time it is “Dispensed” into the body.

So to put some sort of an example forward that can be understood but the time lines are not correcct

*TNE in a solution of MCT would be absorbed into the blood stream in 1min (this is the number i am making up just so we have a context) and the TNE not having an ester would be 100% active at the same 1 min mark

*TNE in a solution of Caster oil would be absorbed in the blood stream in 10 min (keep in mind this is a made up number but it allows for a slower absorption than MCT) and the TNE would now be 100% active at the same 10 min mark

*Test Prop in a solution of MCT would be absorbed into the blood stream at 1min (made up number) but bc the prop ester releases slower it would be around later around the 4.5 hour mark to be 100% active
  • Test prop in a solution of caster oil would be absorbed into the blood stream at 10 min (made up number) but bc the propl ester releases slower it woulb be around the 4hr 40 min mark from the injection time to be 100% active
hope this makes sense bc as i was typing it, i thought i was sounding somewhat like a weird professor
Idk man, keep it simple, go off of what ester is attached to the compound. People now a days try to make shit complicated as hell, I see what he’s talking about thinner carrier oils absorb easier, which makes sense, but in all reality if you start trying to factor in absorption rates your mind will be so scrambled from when to inject what. Short esters ED or EOD, longer esters twice a week, super long esters like undeconate you can get away with once a week. Main thing is keep it consistent, if you pin Monday and Thursday, do that your whole blast. Prop and Ace try to keep it around the same time ED for your blast. Just my 2 pennies and a ball of lint.
Thanks guys really appreciate the feedback, so the type of oil will determine absorption rate and the ester will determine how long it will stay active in your system ? Am I understanding this correctly ?