SB Labs

Operation Ironside uses a fake encrypted app supplied by the FBI?

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The FBI supplied an encrypted app and got 800+ criminals to use the app thinking that they were completely protected because of the encryption.
They talked about everything including sending pictures of tons of coca and meth.

This is being posted for safety remember you are never completely safe to talk openly on the internet.

The FBI was even able to track the Bitcoin address that they paid the ransom for the pipeline.
They were able to hack the wallet being used and steal the private keys and they took back the BTC.

Please remember when things are flagged or edited there’s always a reason we have to follow the rules closely. No one wants to ever post anything that can get them in trouble.

Don’t believe that this isn’t happening in your country. I would be careful with encrypted email and apps please do your homework about which one you prefer.

Be safe brothers and sisters
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This is crazy I believe that this was just the bust in Australia.

Its coming soon too a country near ?

It went on for 3yrs also so imagine if all these encrypted apps are all a farce. Its going to be crazy if its true.
It would for many

I have warned of this coming soon because the last big bust was 2yrs ago with all the fetynyl.

This is out in the open now and its been happening for years. So all the busts around the world are coming soon they will get snitches from this first group of arrests and then move on arresting more smh

Plus now there hacking wallets and taking back bitcoin so anything about btc being anon or unstealable just went out the window.
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